Field 19.Authorized Representative: This is the individual with the authority to sign an application, otherwise known as the Authorized Organization Representative of the Signing Official.  

Applicant Contact Information – Authorized Organization Representative/Signing Official 

Field Name 



Enter the prefix (e.g. Mr., Ms., Rev., Dr.) for Authorized Representative. 

First Name 

Enter the first (given) name of the Authorized Representative.  This field is required. 

Middle Name 

Enter the middle name of the Authorized Representative. 

Last Name 

Enter the last name of the Authorized Representative.  This field is required. 


Enter the suffix (e.g., Jr., Sr., Ph.D.) of the Authorized Representative. 


Enter the position or title of the Authorized Representative.  This field is required. 


Enter the name of the organization for the Authorized Representative.  This field is required.  


Enter the name of the primary organizational department, service, laboratory, or equivalent level within the organization of the Authorized Representative. 


Enter the name of the primary organizational division, office, or major subdivision of the Authorized Representative. 

Street 1 

Enter the first line of the street address for the Authorized Representative.  This field is required. 

Street 2 

Enter the second line of the street address for the Authorized Representative if additional line is needed, for example suite number or building number.  This field is optional. 


Enter the city for address of the Authorized Representative.  This field is required. 


Enter the county or parish for the address of the Authorized Representative. 


Enter the state where the Authorized Representative is located.  This field is required if the applicant is located in the United States. 


Enter the province for the Authorized Representative. 


Select the country for the address of the Authorized Representative.  For SBIR/STTR applications, the small business concern must be located in the United States. 

Zip Code 

Enter the nine-digit postal code of the Authorized Representative.  This field is required if the applicant is located in the United States.  If a province is selected, this field is optional. 

Phone Number 

Enter the daytime phone number of the Authorized Representative.  This field is required.  

Fax Number  

Enter the fax number of the Authorized Representative. 


Enter the email address for the Authorized Representative.  Provide only one email address.  This field is required.   

Signature of Authorized Representative 

It is the organization’s responsibility to ensure that only properly authorized individuals sign in this capacity and/or submits the application to  If this application is submitted through, leave blank.  If a hard copy is submitted, the AOR must sign this block. 

Date Signed 

If this application is submitted through, the system will generate this date.  If submitting a hard copy, enter the date the AOR signed the application.   


Blank & Sample Forms:

  • Sample SF 424 field 19:


  • No labels