Enter the information below for each person.  Once the relevant information is completed for an individual, click the "Add Additional Other" button to generate fields for additional personnel.

Please note, fields marked with an asterisk * are required.  These fields will also be marked with an asterisk on the webforms in the application workspace. 

Section B.  Other Personnel Budget Instructions 



*Number of Personnel 

  • For each project role category, identify the number of personnel proposed.  
  • List any additional project role(s) in the blank(s) provided, e.g., Engineer, IT Professionals, etc.  
  • For all Postdoctoral Associates and Graduate Students not already named in Section A. Senior/Key Person, individually list names, roles (e.g., Post Doctorate or Graduate Student), associated months, and salary & fringe benefits requested in the Budget Justification. 

*Project Role 

  • If Project Role is other than Post-Doctoral Associates, Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students, or Secretarial/Clerical, enter the appropriate project role (for example, Engineer, IT Professional, etc.) in the blanks.  
  • Do not include consultants in this section. Consultants are included below in Section F. Other Direct Costs 3. Consultant Services.  

Calendar Months 

Identify the number of months devoted to the project in the applicable box for each project role category (i.e., calendar, academic, summer).  

Academic Months 

  • Identify the number of months devoted to the project in the applicable box for each project role category (i.e., calendar, academic, summer).  
  • If your institution does not use a 9-month academic year, indicate your institution’s definition of academic year in the budget justification.  

Summer Months 

  • Identify the number of months devoted to the project in the applicable box for each project role category (i.e., calendar, academic, summer).  
  • If your institution does not use a 3-month summer period, indicate your institution’s definition of academic year in the budget justification. 

*Requested Salary ($) 

Regardless of the number of months being devoted to the project, indicate only the amount of salary/wages being requested for each project role.  

*Fringe Benefits ($) 

Enter applicable fringe benefits, if any, for this project role category.  

*Funds Requested ($) 

Enter requested salary/wages & fringe benefits for each project role.  

Total Number of Other Personnel 

This total will auto-calculate. Total Salary, Wages and Fringe Benefits (A+B)  

Total Other Personnel 

Total funds requested for all other Personnel.  

Total Salary, Wages, and Fringe Benefits (A+B) 

Total Funds requested for all Senior/Key Persons and all Other Personnel. This total will auto-calculate.  


Blank & Sample Forms:

  • Blank form screenshot:

  • Sample form screenshot:

  • No labels