1   Introduction

When completing an Awardee report, external users can add project participants. Upon submission of the report, PAMS sends an email to project participants requesting completion of a voluntary demographics survey. Demographic information submitted in the survey is always anonymous and assists the Office of Science with its continued commitment to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in its business practices.

The purpose of this document is to provide step-by-step instructions for users to follow to complete the demographics survey sent to project participants on Awardee reports.

2   Prerequisites

Before a user can complete the demographics survey, the following criteria must be met:

  • The user is listed as a project participant on an Awardee report

3   Completing the Demographics Survey for Awardee Reports

Use the following steps to complete the demographics survey for Awardee reports:

1. When you are listed as a project participant on an Awardee report, PAMS will send you an email notification.

     a) If you already have a PAMS account, the email will provide one link which navigates to the Update Profile page. (Figure 1) Refer to Create/Update a User Account - PAMS Help (e) - Confluence (energy.gov) for guidance on updating your profile.

Figure 1. DOE Request to Provide Your Demographic Information – Registered User

     b) If you do not have a PAMS account, the email will provide two links - one to supply your demographics information without creating a PAMS account and one to create a PAMS account. (Figure 2) If you would like to create a PAMS account, refer to Create/Update a User Account - PAMS Help (e) - Confluence (energy.gov). If you would like to supply your demographics information without creating a PAMS account, click I wish to supply my demographics information without creating a PAMS account.

Figure 2. DOE Request to Provide Your Demographic Information – Unregistered User

2. Upon clicking I wish to supply my demographics information without creating a PAMS account, PAMS will navigate to the Demographic Information Survey page. (Figure 3)

Figure 3. Demographic Information Survey

If you have already completed the survey and click the link again, PAMS will navigate you to the Demographic Information Survey – Complete page and display a red warning message informing you that you have already submitted a survey and no further action is necessary.

Refer to the table below for guidance on completing the required fields.


Select "Male", "Female", or "Do Not Wish to Provide" to designate your Gender.


Select "Hispanic or Latino", "Not Hispanic or Latino", or "Do Not Wish to Provide" to designate your Ethnicity.


Select all that apply to designate your Race:

  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • White
  • Do Not Wish to Provide

NOTE: You cannot select "Do Not Wish to Provide" with any other selection within the Race selection box.


Select "U.S. Citizen", "Permanent Resident", "Other Non-US Citizen", or "Do Not Wish to Provide" to designate your Citizenship.


Select all that apply to designate any Disability:

  • Hearing Impairment
  • Visual Impairment
  • Mobility/Orthopedic Impairment
  • Other (NOTE: You must enter a disability if Other is selected)
  • None
  • Do Not Wish to Provide

NOTE: You cannot select "None" or "Do Not Wish to Provide" with any other selection within the Disability selection box.

3. Once you have completed the fields, click Submit Survey at the bottom right corner of the page. PAMS will navigate you to the Demographic Information Survey – Complete page, which displays a green success message confirming that your survey has been submitted successfully. (Figure 4)

Figure 4. Demographic Information Survey – Complete

Click Cancel at the bottom left corner of the page to cancel completion of the survey. PAMS will not retain any selections you have already made.

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