1 Introduction

The Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science (SC) issues many announcements each year to solicit research proposals from colleges and universities, non-profit and for-profit research organizations, DOE’s national laboratories, small businesses, and other federal research organizations.

The Office of Science issues two types of funding announcements:

  • Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs), which may be open to one or more institution types (please read the eligibility requirements in a given FOA for details); and
  • DOE National Laboratory Announcements, which are open only to DOE laboratories.

Proposals submitted to FOAs are not submitted in PAMS, but are submitted through Grants.gov.  Proposals submitted through Grants.gov are transmitted to PAMS and then processed. In order to see your submitted Grants.gov proposals in PAMS, you must first associate yourself to the proposal.

The purpose of this document is to provide step-by-step instructions for users to follow to associate themselves to a Grants.gov proposal.

2 Prerequisites

Before associating yourself to the Grants.gov proposal, the following criteria must be met:

  • The user has an external PAMS account.
  • The user submitted a proposal through Grants.gov to a DOE SC Funding Opportunity Announcement.
  • The user must be the Principal Investigator (PI), SRO/BO/AO (Sponsored Research Office/Business Officer/Administrative Officer), or Other (Point of Contact) on the proposal, as indicated on the SF-424 (R&R) Cover Page.
  • The user has received a Receipt of Proposal email.

3 Accessing Previously Submitted Grants.gov Proposals

After you have submitted your proposal to an open FOA in Grants.gov, you can access the proposal in PAMS. 

If you would like to submit a proposal to an FOA, please visit https://www.grants.gov. If you require assistance submitting a proposal through Grants.gov, you can contact the Helpdesk at:

Once a proposal is transmitted from Grants.gov to PAMS, a Grants Analyst (GA) begins processing the proposal. A PM is assigned to the proposal, and PAMS sends a Receipt of Proposal email notification to the PI and the SRO/AO/BO (Figure 1).

Use the following steps to locate a Grants.gov proposal submission.

Figure 1. Receipt of Proposal

1. Log in to your external PAMS account at (Figure 2): https://pamspublic.science.energy.gov/webpamsepsexternal/login.aspx.

Figure 2. PAMS External Login

2. Navigate to the “Proposals” tab (Figure 3).

3. PAMS will load the “Guide Me” subtab. Select “Access Previously Submitted Grants.gov Proposal” in the Proposals column under “What would you like to do?”

Figure 3. Proposals, Guide Me, Access Previously Submitted Grants.gov Proposal

4. PAMS will load the “Register to Institution – Grants.gov Proposal” page, which will allow you to locate your proposal by registering to the institution (Figure 4). You must complete the required fields in order to continue. Refer to the table below to complete the required fields.

Figure 4. Register to Institution – Grants.gov Proposal

Required Fields



Proposal ID

Enter the Proposal ID as seen in the Receipt of Proposal Email.

Email (as entered in Grants.gov proposal)

Enter the email address as entered on the SF-424 (R&R) Cover Sheet.

Choose Role

Use the radio buttons to select one of the following roles to fulfill on the proposal:

·         SRO/BO/AO (Sponsored Research Officer/Business Officer/Administrative Officer)

·         PI (Principal Investigator)

·         Other (Point of Contact)

Note: You must select the role designated to you on the SF-424.

5. Once you have completed the required fields, click “Save and Continue” in the bottom right corner of the page (Figure 4).

  • If you were previously removed from the Institution, a security block has been placed on your account and you will be unable to register automatically until it is removed.
  • If the institution has one or more Institutional Contacts you will receive the following message: If there is no Institutional Contact, you will receive the following message: There are currently no institutional point(s) of contact. The PAMS Helpdesk has been notified and will seek to identify an Institutional Approver. The PAMS Helpdesk can be reached at (855) 818-1846 (toll-free number) or (301) 903-9610 (Available 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM Eastern Time (ET) Monday - Friday).

6. PAMS will navigate you to the “My Proposals” page, and display a Success message confirming that you have been granted access to the proposal in PAMS (Figure 5).

Figure 5. My Proposals – Success

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