1 Introduction

PAMS gives users the opportunity submit and manage proposals and awards processed by the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science (SC) in a centralized location. There may come a point during the grants process that the Admin Sponsored Research Officer (SRO) of an institution must make changes to – or manage – their institution’s information.

The purpose of this document is to provide step-by-step instructions for users to follow to manage their institution.

2 Prerequisites

Before a user can manage an institution, the following criteria must be met:

  • The user has an active, external PAMS account.
  • The user is registered to an institution.
  • The user possesses the Admin SRO privilege for the institution.

3 Managing an Institution

Use the following steps to manage an institution.

 1. Log in to your external PAMS account at (Figur1): https://pamspublic.science.energy.gov/webpamsepsexternal/login.aspx

Figure 1. PAMS External Login

2. Navigate to the Institutions tab (Figure 2).

Figure 2. PAMS Homepage, Institutions

3. PAMS will load the “Institution – List” page, which displays a list of all of the institutions you are registered to in PAMS. There are three Manage Institution options: Manage Users, Update Profile, and Update Communication Contact. To perform one of these Manage Institution actions, click the Actions/Views menu, and make a selection (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Institutions – List

3.1 Managing Users

Upon selecting Manage Users in the Actions/Views menu on the “Institutions – List” page, PAMS will navigate you to the “Manage Users” page. For guidance on managing users and peer access, see How To Guide: External – Manage Peer Access (Preproposal, Letter of Intent (LOI), Proposal, Award).

3.2 Updating the Institution's Profile

Upon selecting Update Profile in the Actions/Views menu on the “Institutions – List” page, PAMS will navigate you to the “Update Institution Profile” page. This profile contains important information about the institution, including the institution’s name, type, and address. You must complete all of the required fields before saving the page.

Refer to the table below to complete the required fields.

Required Fields



Institution Name

Enter the name of the Institution.

Institution Type

Click the Select One dropdown, and select an Institution Type.

Mailing Address (Required)

Enter a mailing address. To do so, select one of the following:

·         Address

·         PO Box Only

·         Rural Route

To enter an Address:

·         In the “Street Number” field, enter the number of the location only. For example, if you live at 123 41st Street, enter 123 in the “Street Number” field; omit 41st.

·         In the Select one dropdown, select an option to specify the location type of the number in the “Street Number” field.

·         In the “Number” field, enter the number of the location. For example, APT 3, BLDG 5A, etc.

To enter a PO Box Only:

·         In the “Number” field, enter only the number of the PO Box.

To enter a Rural Route:

·         In the Select One dropdown, select an option to specify the type of rural route.

·         In the “Number” field, enter the number of the Rural Route.

·         In the “Box” field, enter the mailbox number.


Enter the city in which the address is located.

NOTE: This field is only required if the “Zip Code” field is left blank.


Use the “State” dropdown to select the state in which the address is located.

NOTE: This field is only required if the “City” field is completed.

Zip Code

Enter the zip code in which the address is located. If necessary, use the Lookup link to help determine the appropriate zip code of the address.

NOTE: This field is only required if the “City” field is not completed.

Figure 4. Update Institution Profile

If the institution possesses a physical location address that is different from the mailing address, you may enter the address in the “Click here to enter physical location address if different from mailing address. (Providing this address is optional.)” section. Refer to the table above to complete the required fields in this section.

1. Once you have completed the required fields, click Save and Continue in the bottom right corner of the page (Figure 4).

2. MS will return you to the “Institutions – List” page, and display a Success message confirming that the Institution Profile was updated successfully (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Institutions – List, Success

3.3 Updating Communications Contact

Upon selecting Update Communication Contact in the Actions/Views menu on the “Institutions – List” page, PAMS will navigate you to the “Update Communication Contact” page, which displays the contact information for the institution’s Communication Contact. Use the following steps to change the Communication Contact for the institution.

1. Select Change in the Actions menu for the current Communication Contact (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Update Communication Contact, Change

2. PAMS will navigate you to the “Update Communication Contact – List” page, which displays a list of users registered to the institution. Browse the list or use the filters or Search above the grid to locate the person you would like to make the new Communication Contact. Once you have selected a person, click Select User for Role in the Action menu in the Options column (Figure 7). 

Figure 7. Update Communication Contact – List, Select User for Role

3. PAMS will reload the “Update Communication Contact – List” page with the contact information of the person you selected in the grid. Click Confirm in the bottom right corner of the page to select the person as the new Communication Contact for the institution (Figure 8). 

Figure 8. Update Communication Contact – List, Confirm

4. PAMS will return you to the “Update Communication Contact” page, and display a Success message confirming that you have updated the institution’s Communication Contact successfully. PAMS will also display the new Communication Contact with accompanying contact information in the grid (Figure 9). 

Figure 9. Update Communication Contact, Success

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