1 Introduction

As a reviewer, your service is very important to the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science (SC) and to the research community. We know that you are very busy, and we appreciate the time it takes to participate in the review process.

The purpose of this document is to provide step-by-step instructions for users to follow to complete a Proposal Scoring Review.

2 Prerequisites

Before you can complete a Proposal Scoring Review task, the following criterion must be met:

  • You have received an email notification that you have a Proposal Scoring Review task.

3 Completing a Proposal Scoring Review

Use the following steps to access and complete a Proposal Scoring Review.

3.1 Accessing the Proposal Scoring Review Task

Use the following steps to access the Proposal Scoring Review task.

3.1.1 Existing Account

Use the following steps to access the Proposal Scoring Review task if the user has an existing PAMS account.

1. PAMS will send you email notification requesting your participation in a Proposal Scoring Review. Follow the Proposal Scoring link provided in the email. (Figure 1)

Figure 1. Request to Review DOE Proposal – Existing Account


Log in to the PAMS external website at: https://pamspublic.science.energy.gov/webpamsepsexternal/login.aspx (Figure 2)

Figure 2. Existing User Login

2. Upon logging in you will navigate to the PAMS Home Page. Click Review Proposal(s) under the section entitled Tasks Assigned to you on the left side of your screen. (Figure 3)

Figure 3. PAMS Homepage – Proposal Scoring

You can access your assigned reviews from several places on the PAMS Homepage:

  • The Review Proposal(s) link in the Tasks Assigned To You section
  • The Proposal Scoring link in the Tasks Assigned To You section
  • The Proposal Scoring link under For Reviewers in the Common Activities section

3. Your Pending Tasks will be displayed. To begin your Proposal Scoring Review click Start Review from the Options Column on the right. (Figure 4)

Figure 4. Pending Tasks – List Page

3.1.2 No Existing Account

Use the following steps to access the Mail In Review task if you do not have an existing PAMS account.

1. PAMS will send you an email notification indicating that DOE has requested your participation in a Mail In Review, and provide a registration link and code. Click the PAMS (Figure 5)


Prospective Reviewer





Proposal Scoring Requested by DOE [Program Office Acronym]


Dear [Reviewer Prefix] [Reviewer First Name] [Reviewer Last Name],

The [Program Office] [Program Office Acronym] within the Department of Energy Office of Science requests that you score a group of proposals.  To access the proposal and submit your scores, please use the DOE Office of Science Portfolio Analysis and Management System (PAMS).

Task: Proposal Scoring

Solicitation: [Solicitation Number], [Solicitation Title]

To access the proposals and enter the scores, you must have a PAMS account. Our records indicate that you do not yet have a PAMS account. Please register in PAMS using the link and registration code provided below to create your account.


Registration Code: [Registration Code]

The first time you access PAMS, you must use the URL and registration code provided above or you will not be connected to this proposal review task. For subsequent logins, you may access PAMS using your already established username and password.

After logging into PAMS, click on the Tasks tab to get started with the scoring. If you have any trouble using PAMS, please contact the PAMS Helpdesk at [PAMS Helpdesk Phone Number] or [PAMS Helpdesk Email].

If you have any questions about the proposals or scoring, please contact the program manager, [PM Prefix] [PM First Name] [PM Last Name], at [PM's Phone Number] or [PM's Email].

We know you are very busy, and we appreciate the time it takes to participate in the review process. Thank you for performing this important service.

This message was sent on behalf of the program manager, [PM Prefix] [PM First Name] [PM Last Name], who can be reached at [PM's Email]. Replies to this message will not reach the intended recipient.

Figure 5. Request to Review DOE Proposal – No Existing Account

2. Enter the Registration Code on the Verify Registration Code page, and click Verify in the bottom right corner of the page. (Figure 6)

Figure 6. Verify Registration Code Page

3. Complete the account creation process. (See How To Guide – Create External Account)

4. Begin at Step 2 in section 1.1 Existing Account to access the Proposal Scoring Review after creating the account.

3.2 Completing the Review

Use the following steps to enter your scores and complete the Proposal Scoring Review.

1. The Proposal Scoring page will display and will show all Proposals assigned to you for scoring. Enter your Rating in the field provided in the Rating column for each proposal. (Figure 7)

2. When you have finished entering your ratings click Save or Save and Submit. (Figure 7)

Figure 7. Proposal Scoring

3. Upon clicking Save and Submit you will be returned to the Proposal Scoring – List page where a Success Message will be displayed. (Figure 8)

Figure 8. Proposal Scoring – Success Message

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