1 Introduction

When the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Science (SC) recommends a proposal for funding which results in an Award, the Principal Investigator (PI) and Sponsored Research Office/Authorized Representative/Business Official (SRO/AO/BO) listed on the proposal are the only users who have access to the Award in PAMS. Additional users from the institution may require varying levels of access to the award.  Requesting Additional Access on an Award gives users, beside the Award PI and Award SRO/AO/BO, access to upcoming and/or Pending Tasks for the Award.

The purpose of this document is to provide step-by-step instructions for users to follow to request access to awards in PAMS.

2 Prerequisites

Before Requesting Award Access, the following criteria must be met:

  • The user has an External PAMS account
  • The Institution the user is associated to has an Award

3 Requesting Additional Award Access

Use the following steps to Request Award Access.

1. Navigate to the External PAMS login page at: https://pamspublic.science.energy.gov/webpamsepsexternal/login.aspx (Figure 1).

Figure 1. PAMS External Login

2. Once logged into PAMS – click on the “Awards” tab (Figure 2)

Figure 2. PAMS Home Page

2. The Awards tab will display a list of any Awards the user currently has access to, click the “Add Award to Portfolio” link to request access to an award (Figure 3).

Figure 3. My Awards – List

If the user doesn’t currently have access to any awards the page will display “No records found” as seen in Figure 3.

3. A list of Awards for your Institution will be displayed. Select the award you want access to by selecting the checkbox next to the Institution Name (a green check mark indicating you have selected that award) – then click “Add to Portfolio” at the bottom of the page (Figure 4).

  • To narrow the award list, you can search for a particular award by clicking search, entering the desired search criteria, and then click search.
  • You can also click the “Add to Portfolio” link under the Options column to request access to the Award.

Figure 4. Add Award to Portfolio – Select Award

4. The Awards – Request Access page will be displayed. Check the box or boxes to select the level of access you require. You must provide comments justifying your request, then click “Request Access” to send your request (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Award – Request Access

Award level access is “View Only” and is the minimum award level access.  Various access for Progress Reports and Award Modification Requests can also be requested.  All requests will go through an approval process.

5. A green Success Message stating “You have successfully requested access to the following award(s) will be displayed. The list will display the award number along with the “Default Approving Official”. The email(s) will be sent to the Award PI or the Award SRO/BO/AO depending on what level of access is being requested (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Awards – Success Message

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