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Registration with 

The registration is important as this is the site where you will search for funding opportunities, as well as where you will complete and submit the grant application package.  While registration and the creation of a account is relatively straightforward, the system does require the creation of an account, an organization applicant profile to connect your account with the business entity for which you are submitting the grant application, and it also allows for multiple users with different roles to access the workspace.  You will need your company’s UEI, obtained through registration with SAM, to complete the organization applicant profile for your company.   


The site features extensive online help and an online user guide.  We have included below basic information about the types of roles available in the system and the instructions for account creation and registration of an applicant organization.  Please consult the online help for additional questions regarding other types of registration. Roles 

There are three different roles available in and it is important these roles be assigned appropriately as they define what a participant can and cannot do in the Workspace.  The three roles are as follows: 

  1. The Workspace Manager can create a workspace and be a workspace owner.
  2. The Standard Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) can also create a workspace and be a workspace owner.  However, the Standard AOR can also view organization information, assign the Workspace Manager role, add, or remove participants from their workspace, and submit applications.
  3. The Expanded Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) has the same capabilities as the Standard AOR but can also edit organization settings, assign all rolls, manage all participants and workspaces, and submit applications. 

 Registration Steps Account Registration 

  • Click the “Get Registered Now” button on the Register page. 
  • Complete the “Contact Information” and “Account Details” sections.  All fields marked with a red asterisk are required. 
  • Please use an email address that is regularly monitored as all correspondence sent through will be sent to the email address that you enter.   
  • Primary Phone Number and Mobile:  You are required to enter a primary phone number, and you have the option of adding a unique mobile phone number (US only) that can be used to reset a forgotten password. If you enter a mobile phone number, you will need to confirm the number by entering it a second time in the confirmation field. 
  • Username - Enter a username to log in to It may only contain alphanumeric characters, question marks, periods, dashes, underscores, and the @ symbol. Usernames cannot resemble a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI), so 12-character usernames must contain one of the above special characters, or an “I” or “O”. Your username also cannot contain a space, nor can it only include numbers. Select a username you will remember. 
  • Password - The password you choose must meet the following password requirements: 
  • Must contain at least eight (8) characters 
  • Must contain at least one (1) uppercase letter (A-Z) 
  • Must contain one (1) lower case letter (a-z) 
  • Must contain at least one (1) number (0-9) 
  • Must contain one (1) special character (e.g. ! @ # $ % ^ & *) 
  • Cannot be the same as the previous six (6) passwords 
  • Cannot contain dictionary words, names, or your Username 
  • Cannot contain common password sequences (e.g. 1234, !@#$%) 
  • Select whether to subscribe or unsubscribe from Communications. The Alerts are important messages about time-sensitive or major system changes. The Newsletter features training, system enhancement updates, and other resources to help the federal grants community. 
  • Click the “Continue” button. 
  • Click the “Send Temporary Code” button, then access your email account to get the temporary code. 
  • Enter the temporary code you received in the email from into the “Temporary Code” field and click the “Continue” button. 
  • On the “Register” page, under “How Would You Like to Proceed,” click “Add Organization ApplicantProfile.” Account Add Organization Applicant Profile 

  • Once you have completed the account registration and selected “Add Organization ApplicantProfile” you will need to enter information about your organization.  This profile will affiliate you with your organization.  You may have multiple affiliations and organizations may add users to their application workspace who are not affiliated with their organization.   
  • Enter the organization’s Unique Entity Identifier (UEI obtained from SAMS registration) in the required field. 
  • Create a “Profile "Profile Name” that will distinguish this organization profile from any other profiles you may have within your account.   
  • Enter your job title for this organization in the “Job Title” field. 
  • Click the “Save” button to complete the profile creation process.   
  • Once the profile is saved, sends an email notification to the organization’s Authorized Organizational Representatives (AORs) with the Expanded AOR role or a custom role with certain privileges (e.g., Manage Applicants-All Roles).  
  • Authorized users can assign roles with specific privileges to a profile, such as creating a workspace or submitting applications for the organization.  However, you don’t need these roles and privileges to work on an application. 


Pro tips 

  • Be sure that you have entered your EBiz POC name and email in SAM before registering with as the system will send out an email to that person to clarify roles associated with the Organization Applicant Profile. 
  • You can add additional team members as Workspace Participants, but to do so you must have the Standard or Expanded AOR role.  
  • While you must be registered with to submit an application package, you can locate and download Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) without being registered. 
  • As it will take some time to learn how to use and navigate, it is recommended that applicants register sooner rather than later so that they may become familiar with the system, the extensive online help topics, and submission process.     

Important websites and contact information 

Podcasts and tutorials: