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Authorizations: non-DOE/NNSA FFRDCs and DOE/NNSA FFRDCs
If applicants include a Federally Funded Research and Development Centers Center (FFRDC) in their proposal, they are required to secure authorization in writing from the FFRDC and provide the written confirmation, usually in the form of a letter from the FFRDC signed by an authorized representative, with the application. Applicants should also review Section III.B. of the FOA for any further restrictions or details concerning the participation of FFRDCs. Please note below that there are additional requirements for DOE/NNSA FFRDCs.
FFRDCs are not eligible for an award under this FOA, but they may be proposed as a team member subject to the following guidelines:
1. Authorization for non-DOE/NNSA FFRDCs
The Federal agency sponsoring the FFRDC must authorize in writing the use of the FFRDC on the proposed project and this authorization must be submitted with the application. The use of an FFRDC must be consistent with the FFRDC contract and must not place the FFRDC in direct competition with the private sector.
2. Authorization for DOE/NNSA FFRDCs
The cognizant DOE Contracting Officer must authorize in writing the use of a DOE/NNSA FFRDC on the proposed project and this authorization should be submitted with the application, if available. The following wording is acceptable for this authorization.
“Authorization is granted for the (insert name) National Laboratory and its Contractor to participate in the proposed project entitled _________. The work proposed for the National Laboratory Contractor is consistent with or complementary to the missions of the Laboratory, will not adversely impact execution of the DOE/NNSA assigned programs at the Laboratory, and will not place the Laboratory in direct competition with the domestic private sector.”
Failure to obtain such approval in a timely manner may delay the project if a grant is awarded, as work may not be performed by the FFRDC until DOE Contracting Officer approval is provided.