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1 Introduction

All awards have a designated Award Sponsored Research Office/Business Official/Authorizing Official (SRO/BO/AO). The Award SRO/BO/AO is initially identified at the time of award, and it is generally the same user identified in the proposal. During the life cycle of an active award, there may be a need to change the Award SRO/BO/AO). Any user registered to the institution with the Manage User privilege can request this change.

The purpose of this document is to provide step-by-step instructions for users to follow to change an Award SRO/BO/AO.

2 Prerequisites

Before the Award SRO/BO/AO can be changed, the following criteria must be met:

  • The user must be registered to the institution in PAMS.
  • The user must have the Manage User Privilege.
  • The institution must possess an award with the Office of Science.

3 Changing the Award SRO

Use the following steps to change an Award SRO.


2. Navigate to the Institutions tab (Figure 1).

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Figure 1. PAMS Homepage – Institutions Tab

3. PAMS will load the Institutions – List page, which displays a list of the institutions you are registered to. Search the list for the institution possessing the award you would like to change the SRO/BO/AO on, and select Manage Users in the Actions/Views menu in the Options column (Figure 2).

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Figure 2. Institutions – List – Manage Users

4. PAMS will load the Manage Users page. Click the By Award link (Figure 3). This will give you the option to enter an award number or title.

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Figure 3. Manage Users – By Award

5. Enter all or part of the Award Number or Award Title in the appropriate boxes, and click Search (Figure 4).

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Figure 4. Manage Users – Search by Award

6. PAMS will perform a search and redirect you to the Manage Users – Awards page, which will display the award you searched for on the previous page. Select Change Award SRO/BO/AO in the Actions menu in the Options column (Figures 5).

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Figure 5. Manage Users – Awards

7. PAMS will load the Change Award SRO/BO/AO – User List page, which displays a list of all registered users at your institution who are eligible for selection as the new Award SRO/BO/AO. Browse the list or use the filters or advanced search above the grid to find the user you would like to make the new Award SRO/BO/AO. Once you have found the user, click Make Award SRO/BO/AO in the Options column (Figure 6).

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Figure 6. Change Award SRO/BO/AO – User List

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You will not be able to change an Award SRO from the current SRO to yourself.

8. PAMS will redirect you to the Make Award SRO/BO/AO – Continue page, which displays a Confirmation message. Read the message carefully. If you would like to make additional changes to the SRO/BO/AO you selected, click the Cancel button in the bottom left corner of the page. If you would like to proceed with the SRO/BO/AO you selected, click Confirm in the bottom right corner of the page (Figure 7).

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Figure 7. Make Award SRO/BO/AO – Confirmation

9. PAMS will load the Manage Users – Awards page, and display a Success message confirming that the Award SRO/BO/AO has been changed successfully (Figure 8).

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Figure 8. Manage User – Awards Success