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Use the following steps to create and complete an SBIR LOI.

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Figure 5. Submit Letter of Intent (LOI)


     b. If you select "Phase II", "Phase IIA", "Phase IIB", or Phase IIC, PAMS will display the "Award Information" section. Enter the Award Number as it appears on the Assistance Agreement and click the "Populate Topic/Subtopic" button. PAMS will populate the "Topic/Subtopic" field with the Award's Topic and Subtopic. (Figure 17)

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Figure 15. Submit Letter of Intent (LOI) – Project Information – SBIR Phase

  • If you select Phase I, PAMS will display an Other Information section below the Additional Attachments sections. This section is required.
  • If you select Phase II, Phase IIA, Phase IIB, or Phase IIC, PAMS will require you enter a number in the Award Number field.

Figure 16. Submit Letter of Intent (LOI) – Project Information – Topic


7. Begin at step 1 above to reattach an LOI.

3.2.7 Additional Attachments

Some Solicitations require the user to attach additional documents, such as current or pending support, bio-sketches, review COI listing, and others. Use the Additional Attachments section to attach those documents to your LOI.

Refer to section 3.2.6 Letter of Intent for guidance on attaching files.

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Figure 24. Submit Letter of Intent (LOI) – Additional Attachments

3.2.7 Other Information

1. Click the Where did you learn about the DOE SBIR/STTR Program? dropdown and select the appropriate response. If you select "Other", specify where you learned about the SBIR/STTR Program in the If ‘Other’, Please specify box to the left of the dropdown. (Figure 2425)

Figure 2425. Submit Letter of Intent (LOI) – Other Information


2. After clicking Submit to DOE you will receive a Success Message confirming that your LOI was submitted successfully (Figure 2526).

Figure 2526. My Letters of Intent (LOI) – Success Message, List


1. To reopen a submitted LOI, navigate to the Proposals tab and click My Letters of Intent (Figure 2627).

Figure 2627. Proposals – View My Letters of Intent

2. PAMS will load the My Letters of Intent page. Browse the list or use the filters or advanced search above the grid to find an LOI (Figure 2728).

Figure 2728. My Letters of Intent (LOI) – Search

3. Choose the LOI you would like to reopen, click the Actions/Views link, and select Reopen Letter of Intent (Figure 2829).

Figure 2829. My Letters of Intent (LOI) – Reopen Letter of Intent

4. PAMS will display a Warning message (Figure 2930). Read the message carefully. Click Yes to continue and edit the LOI. Click No to return to the My Letters of Intent (LOI) page without editing the LOI.

Figure 2930. Edit Letter of Intent (LOI) – Warning


6. PAMS will reload the My Letters of Intent (LOI) page with a Success message confirming that the LOI was submitted successfully (Figure 2526).