- The user is registered in PAMS
- The user has peer access to an active award
You cannot add/update Products in bulk from a task. If you would like to add or update Products in bulk, navigate to the Awards folder, perform any necessary bulk updates, and return to the task. |
3 Viewing an Award’s Products
5. PAMS will navigate to the Products – List page, which displays all Products associated to the Award. (Figure 4).
Figure 4. Products – List
4 Adding a New Product
Refer to the sections below to add a new Product to the Award.
4.1 Adding a New Publication
There are seven types of Publications: Journal Article, Book, Book Chapter, There are twelve types of Products: Publication – Journal Article, Publication – Book, Publication – Book Chapter, Publication – Thesis/Dissertation, Publication – Conference Paper/Presentation, Publication – Website, and Other Publication. Use the steps below to add a Publication Publication – Other Publication, Intellectual Property – Patent, Intellectual Property – Invention, Intellectual Property – License, Technologies or Techniques, and Other Products. Refer to the sections below to add a new Product to the Award.
4.1 Adding a New Publication - Journal Article
1. Click Add New Publication the Add Product(s) dropdown above the grid on the Products – List page and select Publication - Journal Article. (Figure 4)
2. Click the Go button to the right of the Add Product(s) field.
3. PAMS will PAMS will navigate to the Add New Award Publication page. Click the dropdown in the Type field and select the appropriate Publication Type(s) page, which will display a product form specific to Journal Articles. (Figure 5)
Figure 5. Add New Award Publication
3. Click Populate Form. PAMS will reload the page and display a form specific to the selected Product Type.
(s), Journal Article
Refer to the table Refer to the sections below for guidance on completing the fields for each Publication Type.
4.1.1 Journal Article
Figure 6. Add New Award Publication, Journal Articlerequired fields.
Required Fields
Element | Description |
This field contains the Publication type you selected and determines the Publication form you are filling out.
Article Title
Article Title | Enter the title of the article. |
Author(s) | Enter the name(s) of the author(s) of the article. |
Journal | Enter the name of the journal in which the article is published or to be published. |
Journal Peer Reviewed? | Select the “Yes” or “No” radio button to indicate whether the article was peer reviewed. |
Publication Status | Click the dropdown and select one of the following to indicate the status of the publication: Published, Awaiting Publication, Accepted, Under Review, Submitted, or Other. If Other, specify in the box to the right of the dropdown. |
Acknowledgement of DOE Support? | Select the “Yes” or “No” radio button to indicate whether an acknowledgement of DOE Support was provided to the publisher. |
4.1.2 Book
Figure 7. Add New Award Publication, Book
Required Fields
This field contains the Publication type you selected and determines the Publication form you are filling out.
Book Title
Enter the title of the book.
Enter the name(s) of the author(s) of the book.
Publication Status
Click the dropdown and select one of the following to indicate the status of the publication: Published, Awaiting Publication, Accepted, Under Review, Submitted, or Other. If Other, specify in the box to the right of the dropdown.
Book Publisher
Enter the name of the book’s publisher.
Book Peer Reviewed?
Select the “Yes” or “No” radio button to indicate whether the book was peer reviewed.
Acknowledgement of DOE Support?
Select the “Yes” or “No” radio button to indicate whether an acknowledgement of DOE Support was provided to the publisher.
You can add multiple products at a time by clicking the Add Product link below the Resources header. New Product sections will appear below the last Product. |
4.2 Adding a New Publication – Book
1. Click the Add Product(s) dropdownabove the grid on the Products – List page and select Publication – Book. (Figure 4)
2. Click the Go button to the right of the Add Product(s) field.
3. PAMS will navigate to the Add New Award Publication(s) page, which will display a Product form specific to Books. (Figure 6)
Figure 6. Add New Award Publication(s), Book
Refer to the table below for guidance on completing the required fields.
Required Fields
Element | Description |
Book Title | Enter the title of the book. |
Author(s) | Enter the name(s) of the author(s) of the book. |
Publication Status | Click the dropdown and select one of the following to indicate the status of the publication: Published, Awaiting Publication, Accepted, Under Review, Submitted, or Other. If Other, specify in the box to the right of the dropdown. |
Book Publisher | Enter the name of the book’s publisher. |
Book Peer Reviewed? | Select the “Yes” or “No” radio button to indicate whether the book was peer reviewed. |
Acknowledgement of DOE Support |
4.1.3 Book Chapter
Figure 8. Add New Award Publication, Book Chapter
Required Fields
This field contains the Publication type you selected and determines the Publication form you are filling out.
Chapter Title
Enter the title of the book chapter.
Enter the name(s) of the author(s) of the book chapter.
Book Title
Enter the title of the book.
Publication Status
Click the dropdown and select one of the following to indicate the status of the publication: Published, Awaiting Publication, Accepted, Under Review, Submitted, or Other. If Other, specify in the box to the right of the dropdown.
Book Publisher
Enter the name of the book’s publisher.
? | Select the “Yes” or “No” radio button to indicate whether |
Acknowledgement of DOE Support?
an acknowledgement of DOE Support was provided to the publisher. |
Figure 9. Add New Award Publication, Thesis/Dissertation
Required Fields
This field contains the Publication type you selected and determines the Publication form you are filling out.
Enter the title of the thesis/dissertation.
Enter the name(s) of the author(s) of the thesis/dissertation.
Enter the name of the institution to which the thesis/dissertation was presented.
Acknowledgement of DOE Support?
Select the “Yes” or “No” radio button to indicate whether an acknowledgement of DOE Support was provided to the publisher.
3 Adding a New Publication – Book Chapter
1. Click the Add Product(s) dropdownabove the grid on the Products – List page and select Publication – Book Chapter. (Figure 4)
2. Click the Go button to the right of the Add Product(s) field.
3. PAMS will navigate to the Add New Award Publication(s) page, which will display a Product form specific to Book Chapters. (Figure 7)
Figure 7. Add New Award Publication(s), Book Chapter
Refer to the table below for guidance on completing the required fields.
Required Fields
Element | Description |
Chapter Title | Enter the title of the book chapter. |
Author(s) | Enter the name(s) of the author(s) of the book chapter. |
Book Title | Enter the title of the book. |
Publication Status | Click the dropdown and select one of the following to indicate the status of the publication: Published, Awaiting Publication, Accepted, Under Review, Submitted, or Other. If Other, specify in the box to the right of the dropdown. |
Book Publisher | Enter the name of the book’s publisher. |
Chapter Peer Reviewed? | Select the “Yes” or “No” radio button to indicate whether the chapter was peer reviewed. |
Acknowledgement of DOE Support? | Select the “Yes” or “No” radio button to indicate whether an acknowledgement of DOE Support was provided to the publisher. |
4.4 Adding a New Publication – Thesis/Dissertation
1. Click the Add Product(s) dropdownabove the grid on the Products – List page and select Publication – Thesis/Dissertation. (Figure 4)
2. Click the Go button to the right of the Add Product(s) field.
3. PAMS will navigate to the Add New Award Publication(s) page, which will display a Product form specific to Thesis/Dissertations. (Figure 8)
Figure 8. Add New Award Publication(s), Thesis/Dissertation
Refer to the table below for guidance on completing the required fields.
Required Fields
Element | Description |
4.1.5 Conference Paper/Presentation
Figure 10. Add New Award Publication, Conference Paper/Presentation
Required Fields
This field contains the Publication type you selected and determines the Publication form you are filling out.
Paper Title
Enter the title of the conference paper/presentation.
Enter the name(s) of the author(s) of the conference paper/presentation.
Conference Name
Enter the name of the conference for which the conference paper/presentation was written.
Conference Location
Enter the city and country in which the conference was held.
Conference Date
Enter the date on which the conference began.
Publication Status
Click the dropdown and select one of the following to indicate the status of the publication: Published, Awaiting Publication, Accepted, Under Review, Submitted, or Other. If Other, specify in the box to the right of the dropdown.
Acknowledgement of DOE Support?
Select the “Yes” or “No” radio button to indicate whether an acknowledgement of DOE Support was provided to the publisher.
4.1.6 Website
Figure 11. Add New Award Publication, Website
Required Fields
Title | Enter the title of the |
thesis/dissertation. |
Author(s) | Enter |
4.1.7 Other Publication
Figure 12. Add New Award Publication, Other Publication
Required Fields
This field contains the Publication type you selected and determines the Publication form you are filling out.
Enter the name of the publication.
Enter the name(s) of the author(s) of the publication.
Enter a description of the publication.
Publication Status
Click the dropdown and select one of the following to indicate the status of the publication: Published, Awaiting Publication, Accepted, Under Review, Submitted, or Other. If Other, specify in the box to the right of the dropdown.
Acknowledgement of DOE Support?
Select the “Yes” or “No” radio button to indicate whether an acknowledgement of DOE Support was provided to the publisher.
the name(s) of the author(s) of the thesis/dissertation. | |
Institution | Enter the name of the institution to which the thesis/dissertation was presented. |
Acknowledgement of DOE Support? | Select the “Yes” or “No” radio button to indicate whether an acknowledgement of DOE Support was provided to the publisher. |
4.5 Adding a New Publication – Conference Paper/Presentation
1. Click the Add Product(s) dropdownabove the grid on the Products – List page and select Publication – Conference Paper/Presentation. (Figure 4)
2. Click the Go button to the right of the Add Product(s) field.
3. PAMS will navigate to the Add New Award Publication(s) page, which will display a Product form specific to Conference Paper/Presentations. (Figure 9)
Figure 9. Add New Award Publication(s), Conference Paper/Presentation
Refer to the table below for guidance on completing the required fields.
Required Fields
Element | Description |
Paper Title | Enter the title of the conference paper/presentation. |
Author(s) | Enter the name(s) of the author(s) of the conference paper/presentation. |
Conference Name | Enter the name of the conference for which the conference paper/presentation was written. |
Conference Location | Enter the city and country in which the conference was held. |
Conference Date | Enter the date on which the conference began. |
Publication Status | Click the dropdown and select one of the following to indicate the status of the publication: Published, Awaiting Publication, Accepted, Under Review, Submitted, or Other. If Other, specify in the box to the right of the dropdown. |
Acknowledgement of DOE Support? | Select the “Yes” or “No” radio button to indicate whether an acknowledgement of DOE Support was provided to the publisher. |
4.6 Adding a New Publication – Website
1. Click the Add Product(s) dropdownabove the grid on the Products – List page and select Publication – Website. (Figure 4)
2. Click the Go button to the right of the Add Product(s) field.
3. PAMS will navigate to the Add New Award Publication(s) page, which will display a Product form specific to Websites. (Figure 10)
Figure 10. Add New Award Publication(s), Website
Refer to the table below for guidance on completing the required fields.
4.2 Adding a New Intellectual Property
There are three types of Intellectual Property: Patent, Invention, and License. Use the steps below to add an Intellectual Property to the Award.
1. Click Add New Intellectual Property above the grid on the Products – List page. (Figure 4)
2. PAMS will navigate to the Add New Award Intellectual Property page. Click the dropdown in the Type field and select the appropriate Intellectual Property Type. (Figure 13)
Figure 13. Add New Award Intellectual Property
3. Click Populate Form. PAMS will reload the page and display a form specific to the selected Product Type.
Refer to the sections below for guidance on completing the fields for each Intellectual Property Type.
4.2.1 Patent
Figure 14. Add New Award Intellectual Property, Patent
Required Fields
This field contains the Intellectual Property type you selected and determines the Intellectual Property form you are filling out.
Patent Title
Enter the name of the patent.
Patent Abstract
Enter an abstract describing the patent.
Patent Number
Enter the number of the patent.
Country/Transnational Patent Office
Use the dropdown to select the country in which the patent resides.
Application Status
Use the dropdown to select one of the following to describe the status of the patent application: Submitted, Pending, or Granted.
4.2.2 Invention
Figure 15. Add New Award Intellectual Property, Invention
Required Fields
Element | Description |
Title |
This field contains the Intellectual Property type you selected and determines the Intellectual Property form you are filling out.
Invention Title
Enter the name of the invention.
Enter the name(s) of the inventor(s).
Invention Description
Enter a description of the invention.
4.2.3 License
Enter the title of the website. | |
URL | Enter the web address. |
4.7 Adding a New Publication – Other Publication
1. Click the Add Product(s) dropdownabove the grid on the Products – List page and select Publication – Other Publication. (Figure 4)
2. Click the Go button to the right of the Add Product(s) field.
3. PAMS will navigate to the Add New Award Publication(s) page, which will display a Product form specific to Other Publications. (Figure 11)
Figure 11. Add New Award Publication(s), Other Publication
Refer to the table below for guidance on completing the required fields.Figure 16. Add New Award Intellectual Property, License
Required Fields
Element |
Description |
Title |
This field contains the Intellectual Property type you selected and determines the Intellectual Property form you are filling out.
Enter the name of the publication. |
Author(s) |
Enter the name(s) of the |
author(s) of the publication. | |
Description | Enter a description of the publication. |
Publication Status |
Click the dropdown |
and select one of the following to |
indicate the status of the |
publication: |
Published, |
4.3 Adding a New Technology or Technique
There is only one type of Technology or Technique. Use the steps below to add a Technology or Technique to the Award.
Awaiting Publication, Accepted, Under Review, Submitted, or Other. If Other, specify in the box to the right of the dropdown. | |
Acknowledgement of DOE Support? | Select the “Yes” or “No” radio button to indicate whether an acknowledgement of DOE Support was provided to the publisher. |
4.8 Adding a New Intellectual Property - Patent
1. Click the Add Product(s) dropdown 1. Click Add New Technology or Technique above the grid on the Products – List page and select Intellectual Property - Patent. (Figure 4)
2. Click the Go button to the right of the Add Product(s) field.
3. PAMS will PAMS will navigate to the Add New Technology or Technique pageAward Intellectual Properties page, which will display a Product form specific to Patents. (Figure 1712)
Figure 1712. Add New Technology or TechniqueAward Intellectual Properties, Patent
Refer to the table below for guidance on completing the required fields.
Required Fields
Element | Description |
Patent Title | Enter the name |
of the |
4.4 Adding a New Other Product
All products that do not fall into any of the previous categories are recorded under Other Product. These products include: Audio or Video, Databases, Data and Research Material, Education Aids or Curricula, Evaluation Instruments, Instruments or Equipment, Models, Physical Collections, Protocols, Software or NetWare, Survey Instruments, and Other. Use the following steps to add an Other Product to the Award.
patent. | |
Patent Abstract | Enter an abstract describing the patent. |
Patent Number | Enter the number of the patent. |
Country/Transnational Patent Office | Use the dropdown to select the country in which the patent resides. |
Application Status | Use the dropdown to select one of the following to describe the status of the patent application: Submitted, Pending, or Granted. |
4.9 Adding a New Intellectual Property – Invention
1. Click the Add Product(s) dropdown1. Click Add Other Product above the grid on the Products – List page and select Intellectual Property – Invention. (Figure 4)
2. PAMS will navigate to the Add New Award Other Product page. (Figure 18)
Click the Go button to the right of the Add Product(s) field.
3. PAMS will navigate to the Add New Award Intellectual Properties page, which will display a Product form specific to Inventions. (Figure 13)
Figure 13. Add New Award Intellectual Property, InventionFigure 18. Add New Award Other Product
Refer to the table below for guidance on completing the required fields.
Required Fields
Element | Description |
Invention Title |
Use the dropdown to select one of the following to describe the product type: Audio or Video, Databases, Data and Research Material, Education Aids or Curricula, Evaluation Instruments, Instruments or Equipment, Models, Physical Collections, Protocols, Software or NetWare, Survey Instrument, or Other. If Other, specify in the box to the right of the dropdown.
Enter a description of the product and how it is being shared.
5 Saving a New Product
Use the steps below to save a new Product to the Award.
Enter the name of the invention. | |
Inventors | Enter the name(s) of the inventor(s). |
Invention Description | Enter a description of the invention. |
4.10 Adding a New Intellectual Property – License
1. Click the Add Product(s) dropdownabove the grid on the Products – List page and select Intellectual Property – License. (Figure 4)
2. Click the Go button to the right of the Add Product(s) field.
3. PAMS will navigate to the Add New Award Intellectual Properties page, which will display a Product form specific to Licenses. (Figure 14)
Figure 14. Add New Award Intellectual Properties, License
Refer to the table below for guidance on completing the required fields.
Required Fields
Element | Date |
License Title | Enter the name of the license. |
License Status | Use the dropdown to select one of the following to describe the status of the license: None, Pending, or Licensed. |
4.11 Adding a New Technology or Technique
1. Click the Add Product(s) dropdown above the grid on the Products – List page and select Technologies or Techniques. (Figure 4)
2. Click the Go button to the right of the Add Product(s) field.
3. PAMS will navigate to the Add New Award Technologies or Techniques page. (Figure 15)
Figure 15. Add New Technologies or Techniques
Refer to the table below for guidance on completing the required fields.
Required Fields
Element | Description |
Description | Enter the name and a description of the technology or technique produced. |
4.12 Adding a New Other Product
All products that do not fall into any of the previous categories are recorded under Other Product. These products include: Audio or Video, Databases, Data and Research Material, Education Aids or Curricula, Evaluation Instruments, Instruments or Equipment, Models, Physical Collections, Protocols, Software or NetWare, Survey Instruments, and Other. Use the following steps to add an Other Product to the Award.
1. Click the Add Product(s) dropdown above the grid on the Products – List page and select Other Products. (Figure 4)
2. Click the Go button to the right of the Add Product(s) field.
3. PAMS will navigate to the Add New Other Award Product(s) page. (Figure 16)
Figure 16. Add New Other Award Product(s), Other Product
Refer to the table below for guidance on completing the required fields.
Required Fields
Element | Description |
Product Type | Use the dropdown to select one of the following to describe the product type: Audio or Video, Databases, Data and Research Material, Education Aids or Curricula, Evaluation Instruments, Instruments or Equipment, Models, Physical Collections, Protocols, Software or NetWare, Survey Instrument, or Other. If Other, specify in the box to the right of the dropdown. |
Description | Enter a description of the product and how it is being shared. |
5 Saving a New Product
Use the steps below to save a new Product to the Award.
1. Once you have completed the required fields on the Product’s form, click Save and Continue in the bottom right corner of the Product’s page.
2. PAMS will return to the Products – List page and display a green success message confirming that your Product has been added successfully. (Figure 17)
Figure 17. Products – List, Success
You can edit an existing Product at any time by clicking Edit in the Actions/Views menu in the Options column of the Product on the Products – List page you wish to edit. PAMS will navigate to the Product’s form page, which will be populated with the Product’s previously entered data. Refer to the sections above for guidance on completing the required fields for each form. |
6 Updating Products in Bulk
Award Products can be updated at any time. Use the following steps to update Award Products in bulk.
1. Click the Update Product(s) dropdown above the grid on the Products – List page and select a Product type. (Figure 4)
2. Click the Go button to the right of the Add Product(s) field.
3. PAMS will navigate to the Update Products – List page, which displays all the information about the Award and a grid containing all the Products of the type you selected on the previous page. Browse the list or use the filters or advanced search above the grid to find the Products you would like to update. Once you have found the Products, select the checkboxes in the Select/Unselect column and click Update Selected Products in the bottom right corner of the page. (Figure 18)
Figure 18. Update Products – List, Bulk Update
4. PAMS will navigate to the appropriate Update page for the selected Product type, which lists all the Products of that type associated with the Award. (Figure 19)
Figure 19. Update Award Publication(s), Bulk Update
5. Once you are finished updating the Products1. Once you have completed the required fields on the Product’s form, click Save and Continue in the bottom right corner of the Product’s page.
26. PAMS will return to the Products – List page and display a green success message confirming that your Product has been added the Product or Products were updated successfully. (Figure 1920)
Figure 1920. Products – List, Success
You can edit an existing Product Products can be updated individually at any time by clicking Edit Update in the Actions/Views menu in the Options column of the for that Product on the Products – List page you wish to edit. PAMS will navigate to the Product’s form page, which will be populated with the Product’s previously entered data. Refer to the sections above for guidance on completing the required fields for each formand Update Products – List pages. |