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1. An LOI has four sections: Solicitation Information, PI Information, Project Information, and Letter of Intent (Figure 4).

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Figure 4. Submit Letter of Intent (LOI) Page

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  • If your institution does not have a user with the “Submit to DOE” privilege, PAMS will display the following Note at the top of the Submit Letter of Intent (LOI) page: "There are currently no users with Submit to DOE privilege at your institution. If one is not identified at the time of submission of this Preproposal, the PAMS Helpdesk will be notified and will seek to identify the appropriate institutional contact. The PAMS Helpdesk can be reached at (855) 818-1846 (toll-free number) or (301)-903-9610 (Available 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM Eastern Time (ET) Monday-Friday)."
  • If a Solicitation is marked as an Early Career Research Program, PAMS displays the following Note at the top of the Submit Letter of Intent (LOI) page: "If a PI is listed on multiple Letters of Intent submitted to the same Solicitation, the PECASE eligibility for that PI is determined by the selection made on the Letter of Intent most recently submitted to DOE."

3.2.1 Solicitation Information


2. Click the dropdown menu for the “Institution” field (Figure 5). This list will populate with all of the institutions you are registered to in PAMS. Select the institution that you are submitting the LOI on behalf of.

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Figure 5. Submit Letter of Intent (LOI) Page – Solicitation Information – Institution


1. The PI Information section will populate once you select a PI. Click Select PI to generate a list of users registered to your institution in PAMS (Figure 6).

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Figure 6. Submit Letter of Intent (LOI) Page – PI Information – Select PI


4. Once you have selected a PI, contact information will auto-populate in the PI Information section. If you wish to change the assigned PI, click Change PI (Figure 8) and follow the steps above.

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Figure 8. Submit Letter of Intent (LOI) Page – Change PI

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If a Solicitation is marked as an Early Career Research Program, PAMS displays the following additional fields below the "Address" field in the PI Information section:

  • Is the PI PECASE eligible?
  • Year Doctorate Awarded (YYYY)

The "Is the PI PECASE eligible?" field is required. Complete the field(s) before moving on to the next section.

3.2.3 Project Information

1. Enter a title for your LOI in the “Letter of Intent Title” field (Figure 9).

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Figure 9. Submit Letter of Intent (LOI) Page – Project Information – Letter of Intent Title


2. Click the dropdown menu in the “Program Manager” field, and select a DOE Program Manager for your project (Figure 10).

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Figure 10. Submit Letter of Intent (LOI) Page – Program Manager 


2. Once you have selected a document, click Upload to upload the file to PAMS.

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Figure 11. Submit letter of Intent (LOI) Page – Letter of Intent – Attach File, Browse Browse

3.2.5   Additional Attachments

1. Some FOAs require additional documents, such as current or pending support, biosketches, and Review COI listings. To attach these documents, click Attach File on the right in the Additional Attachments header. (Figure 12)

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Figure 12. Submit Letter of Intent (LOI) Page – Additional Attachments

2. PAMS will expand the section. Click Browse to search for the file you would like to attach.

3. Click Upload below the Description field to upload the file to PAMS.

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The Additional Attachments section accepts a maximum of three files. If you attempt to upload more than three files using the Hold Ctrl method, PAMS will upload the first three files only.

3.3 Submitting a Letter of Intent


1. To complete and submit your LOI, click Submit to DOE in the bottom right-hand corner of the page (Figure 1213).

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Figure 1213. Submit Letter of Intent (LOI) Page – Letter of Intent – Submit to DOE, Save

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  • If you do not have the “Submit to DOE” privilege, PAMS will display a dropdown with the following options instead of a Submit to DOE button:
    • Save Letter of Intent
    • Save Letter of Intent and Submit for Countersignature
  • You may save your LOI at any time during the presubmission process. To do so, click the Save button in the bottom right corner next to the Submit to DOE button.

2. You will receive a Success message indicating that your submission was successful (Figure 1314).

Figure 1314. My Letters of Intent (LOI) Page – Success Message, List


1. To reopen a submitted LOI, navigate to the Proposals tab and click My Letters of Intent. A list of all of your LOIs will display (Figure 1314).

2. Choose the LOI you would like to reopen, click the Actions/Views link, and select Reopen Letter of Intent (Figure 1415).

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Figure 1415. My Letters of Intent (LOI) Page – Reopen Letter of Intent

3. To resubmit your LOI, click Submit to DOE (Figure 1213).

You may reopen a submitted LOI at any time prior to the LOI deadline. However, reopening an LOI removes it from consideration. As such, if you do not resubmit an LOI prior to the deadline, it will not be considered in response to that solicitation.
