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Submit a Public Abstract

After a Program Manager (PM) recommends a proposal for funding, the PI is asked to submit a Public Abstract. The Public Abstract provides a technical summary of the research that will be funded and is intended for reading by the general public.

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Remember that you have already submitted a Proposal Abstract in your application package. For submittal of the Public Abstract, you may want to copy-and-paste and/or edit the Proposal Abstract for resubmittal.


1 Introduction

A public abstract is often a required part of Department of Energy Office of Science (DOE OSC) proposal submissions. Public abstracts are intended to summarize the activities involved in the project, and should be sufficient to permit potential reviewers to identify conflicts of interest. A public abstract should also be suitable for distribution to the public.

The purpose of this document is to provide step-by-step instructions for users to follow to complete and submit a public abstract.

2 Prerequisites

Before a public abstract can be submitted, the following criteria must be met:

  • The user must be registered in PAMS as a Principal Investigator (PI).
  • The user must have a Submit Public Abstract Task.

3 Submitting a Public Abstract

Use the following steps to submit a public abstract.

1. PAMS will send an email notification to the PI on the proposal indicating that the Submit Public Abstract task has been created (Figure 1). Follow the Submit Public Abstract link in the email. OR Log in to the PAMS external website at:


Proposal PI


Proposal SRO, Proposal POC (if different than SRO), Primary and secondary PM(s), Primary and secondary PSS(s)




DOE Request to Submit a Public Abstract for Proposal [Proposal ID]


Dear [PI First Name] [PI Last Name],

The [PM’s Program Office] within the Department of Energy Office of Science requests that you submit a Public Abstract for the proposal listed below. Please visit the Portfolio Analysis and Management System (PAMS) <NOTE: External Login URL> to perform this task. You can find detailed instructions regarding how to submit a Public Abstract once you are logged into PAMS.

If you do not have a PAMS account, a separate email will be sent to you to facilitate your registration. If you have any trouble using PAMS, please contact the PAMS Helpdesk at [PAMS Helpdesk Phone Number] or [PAMS Helpdesk Email]. For questions specific to your proposal, please contact the Program Manager, [PM First Name] [PM Last Name], at [PM’s Phone Number] [PM’s Email].

Task: Submit Public Abstract (Link) <NOTE: External Pending Task list page URL>

Task Owner(s): [PI Last Name], [PI First Name]

Please submit by: [Task Due Date]

Proposal Number: [Proposal ID]

Principal Investigator: [PI Last Name], [PI First Name]

Institution: [Institution Name], [Institution City], [Institution State Abbr.]

Proposal Title: [Proposal Title]

Proposal Type: [Proposal Type]

Solicitation: [Solicitation Number], [Solicitation Title]

Award Number (if applicable): [Award Number]

Figure 1. Submit a Public Abstract Request Email

2. Once you are logged in to PAMS, click the Applicant Tasks link in the Tasks Assigned To You section or Submit Public Abstract in the Common Actions section on the homepage (Figure 2).

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Figure 2. PAMS Homepage



Figure 1. 3. PAMS will redirect you to the Pending Tasks List: Submit Public Abstract
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– List page, which displays all of your pending PAMS tasks. Locate the Submit Public Abstract task you want to complete, and click the Submit Abstract link in the Options column (Figure 3). If necessary, use the filters in the grid or click the Search link above the grid on the right to find a specific Progress Report task to work on.

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Figure 3. Pending Tasks – List

4. PAMS will load the Edit Public Abstract page




Enter your


public abstract in the textbox in the Public Abstract


section (Figure 4).

5. Once you have completed the public abstract, click the Submit link in the bottom right corner of the page (Figure 4).


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Figure 24. Edit Public Abstract Page Image Removed

  1. Click one the following buttons before leaving this page:


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  • You can view instructions for completing an abstract by clicking the Instructions link to the left in the Public Abstract header.
  • You can view a previously submitted abstract by clicking the View Proposal Abstract link to the right in the Public Abstract header.
  • You can save your work without leaving the page at any time by clicking the Save button in the bottom right corner of the page, or leave the page without saving your progress by clicking the Cancel button in the bottom left corner.

6. PAMS will load a Success message confirming that the Public Abstract has been submitted successfully (Figure 5).

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Figure 5. Submit Public Abstract – List Success Message


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