1. PAMS will send you an email notification indicating that DOE has requested your participation in a Panel Review, and provide a registration link and code. Click the PAMS (Figure 5)
To: | Prospective Reviewer |
CC: | |
From: | PAMS |
Subject: | Panel Review Request for DOE [Program Office Acronym] |
Message: | Dear [Reviewer Prefix] [Reviewer First Name] [Reviewer Last Name], The [Program Office] [Program Office Acronym] within the Department of Energy Office of Science requests that you participate in a Panel Review. In preparation for the Panel, one or more proposals has been assigned to you in PAMS. To access the proposal(s)[ and submit your review(s)] <NOTE: Message optional depending on role of reviewer in the panel>, please use the Portfolio Analysis and Management System (PAMS). For questions specific to the Panel, please contact one of the following DOE Office of Science representatives: [POC First Name] [POC Last Name], [POC’s Phone Number] [POC’s Email] <NOTE: List all separated by new line> Task: Panel Review Solicitation: [Solicitation Number], [Solicitation Title] Panel Name: [Panel Name] Panel Date(s): [Panel Start Date] [Panel Start Time] - [Panel End Date] [Panel End Time] Due Date for Entering Panel Reviews into PAMS: [Panel Review Due Date] Lead Program Manager: [Proposal Group Lead PM Prefix] [Proposal Group Lead PM First Name] [Proposal Group Lead PM Last Name], [Proposal Group Lead PM's Phone Number], [Proposal Group Lead PM's Email] <NOTE: If prefix isn’t present, then use Last Name, First Name format.> To access the proposal(s) in the panel[ and enter review(s)] <NOTE: Message optional depending on role of reviewer in the panel>, you must have a PAMS account. Our records indicate that you do not yet have a PAMS account. Please register in PAMS using the link and registration code provided below to create your account. URL: PAMS Registration Code: [Registration Code] The first time you access PAMS, you must use the URL and registration code provided above or you will not be connected to this proposal review task. For subsequent logins, you may access PAMS using your already established username and password. After logging into PAMS, click on the Tasks tab to get started[ with the panel review]. <NOTE: Message optional depending on role of reviewer in the panel> If you have any trouble using PAMS, please contact the PAMS Helpdesk at [PAMS Helpdesk Phone Number] or [PAMS Helpdesk Email]. We know you are very busy, and we appreciate the time it takes to participate in the review process. Thank you for performing this important service. This message was sent on behalf of the program manager, [PM Prefix] [PM First Name] [PM Last Name], who can be reached at [PM's Email]. Replies to this message will not reach the intended recipient. |
Figure 5. Request to Review DOE Proposal – No Existing Account
Reviews may be assigned to you in various categories: Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, or Additional. |
Figure 7. Verify Registration Code PagePanel Review - Accept/Reject Assignments
3. You will be presented with the Proposal Review – Conflict of Interest Certificate upon accessing the review. You may view the Proposal Abstract to help determine if you have a Conflict of Interest. To do so, click the Proposal Abstract link (Figure 8).
4. Read the Information on Conflict of Interest and Information on Confidentiality thoroughly to ensure that you have no conflicts of interest with the information provided. (Figure 9)
Figure 9. Proposal Review – Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Certificate
5. PAMS will present you with three options at the bottom of the page. Select the radio button next to the appropriate option (Figure 109):
a. I have no conflict of interest in reviewing the proposal. Select this option if you do not have any of the conflicts listed in the Conflict of Interest statement, and you would like to proceed with the review.
6. Although not required you can enter any comments that you want relayed to the Program Manager via email. (Figure 109)
7. Once you have made your Conflict of Interest designation click Save and Continue at the bottom of the page to proceed. (Figure 109)
Figure 10. Proposal Review – Conflict of Interest Certification, Complete COI Statement
If you declared a Conflict of Interest or declined to review the proposal by accident, contact the PM to have the task reopened for you. |
8. If you did not declare a Conflict of Interest and later find that you do have a Conflict of Interest, you can declare your conflict from the Resources header by clicking the Additional tab and selecting Conflict of Interest. (Figure 1110)
Figure 1110. Resources Header – Additional – Conflict of Interest
9. This will take you to the Conflict of Interest page. Your original declaration will be selected, but you may change that selection to “I have a conflict of interest with reviewing this proposal.” (Figure 1211)
Figure 1211. Conflict of Interest Certification – Change Designation
1. If you indicated no Conflict of Interest with the proposal, you will be directed to the reviewer instructions. Read the instructions carefully, and click Continue when you are ready to proceed (Figure 1312).
Figure 1312. Proposal Review – Instructions to Reviewers
3. To access the full proposal, expand the Resources section of the page and click the Proposal (Figure 1413). You will be prompted to open the proposal PDF.
Figure 1413. Proposal Review – Update Review, Access Full Proposal
4. PAMS will redirect you to the Proposal Review – Update Review page, where you will be shown the evaluation criteria for the review. You may enter your comments and scores directly on this page. (Figure 1514)
Figure 1514. Proposal Review – Save, Save and Submit
5. Once you have completed all evaluation criteria and would like to submit your review, click the Save and Submit button in the bottom right corner of the page. (Figure 1514)
6. PAMS will load the Proposal Review – Review Summary page, which displays a read-only copy of the evaluation criteria and your responses. Review the page carefully. When you are ready, confirm your submission by clicking Confirm in the bottom right corner of the page. (Figure 1615)
Figure 1615. Overall Summary of the Proposal, Email Myself a Copy, Confirm
7. You will receive a green Success message indicating that your proposal review was submitted successfully. The Panel Review task will remain in your tasks list until the PM closes the panel.
Figure 1716. Overall Summary of the Proposal, Email Myself a Copy, Confirm