Week | Activities - Standard Calendar |
1 | Topics Released - Download & review topics/subtopics document.
- Determine potential topic/subtopic pair.
- Determine SBIR, STTR, or both.
- Research issuing office - review mission, needs, research, programs.
- Locate service providers through the SBIR.gov Local Resources page to find SBDCs, PTACs, and others.
2 | - Begin PAM registration
- If applying for STTR or both, contact Research Institution (RI) or locate potential RI.
- Contact Topic Author if necessary.
- Continue contacting local service providers if necessary.
- Download DOE SBIR/STTR Application checklist
- Document and Finalize outline of Project Narrative.
3 | - Begin SAM registration.
- Follow up with Topic Author if necessary.
- Gather and adjudicate feedback on Project Narrative outline.
- Determine possible PI.
- Determine project scope for budgeting purposes.
4 | FOA Released - Complete draft of first half of the Project Narrative. *Please note, "first half" equates to the following Narrative elements: Identification of the Problem & Technical Approach, Anticipated Public Benefits, Technical Objectives & Work Plan, and the Performance Schedule.
- Locate appropriate FOA in grants.gov, download, and review for application requirements and specifics.
- Write draft LOI.
- Define and document PIs role on the project.
- Complete draft of first half of Project Narrative.
- Create budget estimate.
- Estimate Staffing Needs.
5 | - Gather and adjudicate feedback on first half of Project Narrative.
- Gather and adjudicate feedback on LOI.
- Confirm PI.
- Complete detailed budget assembly.
- Build Staff Breakdown (employee/sub/1099).
- Gather supporting documents and write staff justification for Budget Justification.
- Send forms to RI and any subcontractors.
6 | - Complete draft of second half of Project Narrative. **Please note, "second half" equates to the following Project Narrative elements: Partners: Research Institutions (if applicable), Other Consultants & Subcontractors, Facilities, Other Resources, & Equipment, and Bibliography & References Cited.
- Submit LOI in PAMS.
- Author PI Biosketch, and Current/Pending Support List.
- Gather and adjudicate feedback on Budget.
- Gather and adjudicate feedback on personnel, if necessary.
- Gather supporting documentation and write facilities justification if applicable for Budget Justification.
- Ensure that RI and/or subcontractors are completing forms.
- Review example and finalize outline of Commercialization Plan.
7 | LOI due - Gather and adjudicate feedback on second half of the Project Narrative.
- Finalize Budget.
- Confirm personnel.
- Create first draft of the Commercialization Plan.
- Follow up with RI or any subcontractors regarding required forms.
- Create a list of possible references for Letters of Support.
8 | - Review and edit completed draft of Project Narrative.
- Finalize Budget Justification.
- Gather and adjudicate feedback on the Commercialization Plan.
- Contact references and provide guidance for Letters of Support.
- Identify personnel for which biosketches and current and pending support lists are required.
9 | - Begin Grants.gov registration.
- Gather and adjudicate feedback on completed draft of Project Narrative.
- Finalize Commercialization Plan.
- Follow up with references and finalize Letters of Support.
- Once registered with Grants.gov, create workspace and download application package and begin completing form.
- Request Biosketches and pending and current support lists from all personnel..
10 | Non-responsive feedback, if any, issue - If you receive non-responsive feedback, review, address the comments, and determine next steps
- Register as SBC on SBIR.gov
- Add Proprietary Markings to Project Narrative.
- Negotiate and finalize roles and terms of PIER Plan.
- Finalize Letters of Support.
- Complete forms as required by FOA.
- Review, provide feedback, and ask for updates on Biosketches and current and pending support lists.
11 | - Finalize forms as required by FOA.
- Author Abstract / Project Summary.
- Finalize all Biosketches and current & pending support.
12 | Submit application early. |
13 | Full application due |