Helpful Webinars, Tutorials, and Online Resources

There are many helpful, online resources offered by DOE,, and  These resources include webinars, newsletters, outreach calendars for upcoming live events, community blogs, discussion forums, and even has a grant chatbot to help applicants find answers to their questions.  Applicants are strongly encouraged to make use of these resources and familiarize themselves with not only the application process but also the network of SBIR/STTR support services.

Below is a list of selected resources, separated by agency, that applicants made find helpful.

Helpful Webinars, Tutorials, and Online Resources
DOE Resources

Subscribe to email updates: DOE SBIR/STTR Program updates

Subscribe to the DOE channel:  DOE YouTube Channel
For upcoming webinars and events:  Outreach calendar
DOE Instructions for Completing a SBIR/STTR Phase I Grant Application

For DOE funding opportunity announcements, webinars, and important dates see:  DOE SBIR/STTR Funding Opportunities Resources
For upcoming webinars and events:  Outreach calendar
Subscribe to the newsletter and announcements:  SBIR Newsletter
Subscribe to the SBA YouTube channel:  SBA YouTube channel
Review SBIR tutorials:  Tutorials and webinars
View applicant resources at:  Entrepreneur Resources
Review current and prior topics:  Funding Solicitations
Overview of participating agencies:  SBIR/STTR Agencies
Community Resources for events, webinars, and newsletters:  America's Seed Fund Resources
Webinars, tips, grant chatbot, and discussions:  Grants Learning Center
Terminology and acronyms:  Glossary of federal grant terminology


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