Complete the R&R Senior/Key Person webform before the Budget form to populate data on the Budget form. The R&R Senior/Key Person Profile webform is where applicants will enter the relevant information concerning the Principal Investigator (PI), Senior/Key Persons, and Other Significant Contributors (OSC) assigned to the project. This webform provides the ability to enter data for up to 40 Senior/Key persons. Remember that the Principal Investigator (PI) is the individual designated by the applicant to direct the project and that they must be knowledgeable in all technical aspects of the application and be capable of leading the research effort.
Unless otherwise specified in the FOA, Senior/Key Personnel are defined as individuals who contribute in a substantive, meaningful way to the scientific development or execution of the project, whether salaries are requested or not. Consultants and Subawardees should also be included if they meet this definition. Additionally, persons serving as mentors or advisors to the applicant who commit to contribute to the scientific development of the project but not to any specific measurable effort (in person months) are referred to as Other Significant Contributors (OSC). Each Senior/Key Person must be aware that they are included in the grant application and must agree to perform the work if selected for award.
Biographical sketches, or biosketches, and a list of current and pending support for the PI and each Senior/Key Person must also be uploaded in this section of the application. Instructions for completing these documents are included below and sample documents are provided as well.
PI/Senior/Key Person Requirements & Restrictions
As noted earlier in this guide, only one PI is permitted per award. The PI does not need to be a US citizen, however all work must be performed in the US. Non-US citizens are eligible to perform work on SBIR/STTR projects provided they are legally empowered to work in the US and perform the project work in the US at the time that an award is made and throughout its duration. That is, a foreign national working on an SBIR/STTR project must NOT be an illegal alien and must be an immigrant alien or a foreign national visiting the US on an approved VISA. Foreign nationals who have applied for and received a “green card” are considered permanent residents.
For more information concerning rules and regulations concerning PIs, please see section on General PI Requirements and Restrictions of the SF424