Many of the fields on this form will auto populate with data from the SF 424.  Those which are auto populated are marked accordingly in the instructions below.   

Profile – Project Director/Principal Investigator 

Field Name 



Enter the prefix for the name of the PI. (auto populated) 

First Name 

Enter the first name of the PI. (auto populated) 

Middle Name 

Enter the middle name of the PI. (auto populated) 

Last Name 

Enter the last name of the PI. (auto populated) 


Enter the suffix (e.g., Jr., Sr., PhD) for the name of the PI. (auto populated) 


Enter the title or position of the PI. (auto populated) 


Enter the primary organizational department, service, laboratory, or equivalent level within the organization where the PI works.  (auto populated) 

Organization Name 

Enter the name of the organization of the PI. (auto populated) 


Enter the name of the primary organizational division, office, or major subdivision of the PI. (auto populated) 


Enter the first line of the street address of the PI. (auto populated) 


Enter the second line of the street address of the PI. (auto populated) 


Enter the city for the address of the PI. (auto populated) 


Enter the county or parish for the address of the PI.  (auto populated) 


Enter the state where the PI is located. (auto populated) 


Enter the province where the PI is located. (auto populated) 


Enter the country where the PI is located. (auto populated) 

Zip Code 

Enter the zip code for the address of the PI.  (auto populated) 

Phone Number 

Enter the phone number for the PI. (auto populated) 

Fax Number 

Enter the fax number for the PI. (auto populated) 


Enter the email address of the PI.  (auto populated) 

Credential, agency login 

If you are submitting to an agency where you already have an established personal profile, enter the agency ID.  If you do not, leave this field blank. 

Project Role 

Select One.  Use “Other” if a category is not listed in the pick list. 

Select Program Director/Principal Investigator for the PI. 

Other Project Role Category 

Complete if you selected “Other Professional” or “Other” as a project role, e.g., Engineer, Chemist.   

Degree Type 

Enter the highest academic or professional degree or other credentials (e.g., RN).  This is optional information.  

Degree Year 

Enter the year the highest degree or other credential was obtained.  This is optional information.   

Attach Biosketch 

Provide a biographical sketch for the PI.  Note the document cannot be longer than 2 pages and must contain all information in a single pdf.  The biosketch must contain information related to areas specified by DOE including: 

  • Education and Training 
  • Research and Professional Experience 
  • Collaborators and Affiliations (for potential conflicts of interest) 
  • Publications and Synergistic Activities 

Attach Current & Pending Support 

Provide a list of all current and pending support (both Federal and non-Federal) for on-going projects and pending applications.   


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