Phase 0 Small Business Application Assistance
The U.S. DOE offers its Phase 0 services to a limited number of first-time DOE SBIR/STTR Phase I applicants. This support, currently administered by Dawnbreaker Inc. as DOE's Phase 0 service provider, is designed to assist eligible small businesses navigate the complexities of the SBIR/STTR proposal process. Participants will learn how to prepare responsive applications and will receive assistance on a wide variety of topics, including but not limited to, proposal preparation and planning, registration guidance, and budget preparation.
To be eligible for this Phase 0 Application Assistance, the small business must meet the following criteria:
- The small business offers technology innovations relevant to the current and open DOE SBIR/STTR research topics and subtopics.
- The small business is or will be, prior to award, an eligible small business per 13 CFR 121.702.
- The small business has not previously applied for a DOE SBIR or STTR award.
- The small business has not received any Phase 0 technical assistance from DOE.
For more about the program and how to apply, please visit: https://doephase0.dawnbreaker.com/.

Application Tutorials
Dawnbreaker also offers a wide range of tutorials, as podcasts and pdfs, available to the public on their website. The tutorials are divided by application section and topic and include helpful links, pertinent information, and a glossary of terms. We highly recommend that applicants make use of these tutorials and spend time reviewing them before applying for an award. Applicants will also find links to these tutorials throughout this guide.