Complete the R&R Budget component following the instructions provided below. The form will generate a cumulative budget for the total project period using the information entered on the R&R Budget form. You must complete all the required information (i.e., those fields that are highlighted in yellow and outlined in red on the pdf or marked with an asterisk on the webform) before the Next Period button is activated.
For any required field in which no funds are requested, enter 0.
While the form does allow for cents to be entered, all dollar fields must be presented in whole numbers. Please round to the nearest whole number.
Although the Grants.gov budget forms request person-months as a metric for determining percent of effort, the SBIR/STTR program requires that you provide hours and rates for all key personnel participating on the grant. You must complete the form in full. For example, in the past, companies have failed to complete the column(s) for the number of person-months to be devoted to the project. Incomplete budgets and budget justifications will create delays if the applicant is selected for award.
A separate budget form must be completed by the applicant and each subawardee for the support requested. The form will generate a cumulative budget for the total project period. You must complete all the mandatory information on the form before the “Next Period” button is activated (for Phase II ONLY). You may request funds under any of the categories (other than “Participant/Trainee Support Costs”) listed as long as the item and amount are necessary to perform the proposed work, meets all the criteria for allowability under the applicable Federal cost principles, and are not prohibited by the funding restrictions in this announcement.
Budget Type Instructions
R&R Budget - Budget Type Instructions |
Field | Instructions |
UEI | For project applicant, this field is pre-populated from the R&R SF424 Form. If you are creating a subaward at this time however you will need to enter the subawardee’s UEI. |
Name of Organization | For the project applicant, this field is pre-populated from the R&R SF424 Form. If you are creating a subaward at this time however you will need to enter the organization name of the subawardee. |
Budget Type | Check “Project” or “Subaward/Consortium” - If you are preparing a budget for the primary applicant organization, choose “Project.”
- If you are preparing the subawardee budget, choose “Subaward/Consortium.”
Start Date | This field is pre-populated from the R&R SF424 Form. |
End Date | This field is pre-populated from the R&R SF424 Form. |