Please note, this page is not meant to be an exhaustive list of all SBIR/STTR requirements, but rather a guide for common concerns regarding an SBIR/STTR application. A key word search is available on the upper right hand side of the screen and we recommend that applicants use that for more detailed and specific instructions. A key word search will display all of the pages on which the word appears and will provide snippets of the context so that users may easily locate the page and specific information related to the key word.
DOE SBIR/STTR Program Quick Reference Guide | |
Document Information – Page Limits, Word Counts, Placement | |
Document | Important Information |
Abstract/Project Abstract | Not to exceed 1 page, uploaded at field 7 of R&R Other Project Information webform |
Bibliography | Included in Project Narrative, counts toward project narrative page limit |
Biographical Sketches | Not to exceed 2 pages, uploaded at Senior / Key Person webform |
Commercialization Plan | Not to exceed 4 pages, uploaded at question 8 of the SBIR/STTR Information webform |
Company Commercialization Report | Obtained from SBA Registry on |
Current & Pending Support | Required for the PI and any key/senior person at application organization and senior/key person from any proposed subawards. Upload at Senior / Key person webform. |
Letter of Intent | Not to exceed 2 pages, 500 word limit, upload to PAMS |
Project Narrative | Not to exceed 15 pages, upload at field 8 of R&R Other Project Information webform |
References | Included in Project Narrative, counts toward project narrative page limit |
Registration info | | | |
PAMS | |
SBIR.Gov SBA Registry | |
SBIR/STTR general info | |
Principal Investigator (PI) | Only one PI is allowed, effort of 3 hours per week dedicated to project required |
Company Effort Requirements | SBIR: Small business minimum 67% STTR: Small business minimum 40%, RI minimum 30% |
Budget Info | |
Budget Justification | Upload at Section L of the R&R Budget webform. |
IDC | If the total proposed does not does not exceed 50% of total salaries and wages, no documentation is required. |
Subaward budgets | Required for RI on STTR applications; Required for any subcontracts on SBIR and/or STTR applications |
TABA | If using a TABA vendor that is NOT the DOE preferred vendor, the request must be included in the budget form in Section F of the Budget form. Maximum amount in any case is $6,500. |
DOE Resources | |
DOE SBIR/STTR Funding Schedule | |
DOE Phase 0 Tutorials | |
DOE Application Checklist |