Register to Institution in PAMS |
- Click the link labeled “Option 2: I know my institution and I am here to register to the institution.”
- If you previously created a PAMS account but did not register to an institution at that time, you must click the “Institutions” tab and click the “Register to Institution” link.
- Type a word or phrase from your institution name in the field labeled “Institution Name like.”
- Choose the radio button next to the item that best describes your role in the system and click the “search” button. A “like” search in PAMS returns results that contain the word or phrase you enter. You do not need to enter the exact name of the institution, but you should enter a word or phrase contained within the institution name.
- If your institution has a frequently used acronym, such as ANL for Argonne National Laboratory or UCLA for the Regents of the University of California, you may find it easiest to search using the acronym.
- Find your institution in the list that is returned by the search and click the “Actions” link in the “Options” column next to the institution name to obtain a dropdown list.
- Select “Add me to this institution” from the dropdown. PAMS will then take you to the “Institutions – List” page.
- If you do not see your institution in the initial search results, you can search again by clicking the “Cancel” button, clicking the Option 2 link, and repeating the search.
- If, after searching, you think your institution is not currently in the database, click the “Cannot Find My Institution” button and enter the requested information into PAMS.
- Click the “Create Institution” button and PAMS will add the institution to the system, associate your profile with the new institution, and return you to the “Institutions – List” page when you are finished.