Note that some of the fields in this section are pre-populated with the relevant PI information from the SF 424 Form.  Complete the information for the PI before adding additional personnel. For all other Senior/Key personnel, please enter the required information that is not pre-populated.  Once you have entered the relevant information for the PI and begin to enter information for other senior/key persons, click the "Add Additional Key" button to generate fields for other senior/key persons.

This section must include the names of all Senior/Key Persons at the applicant organization who are involved on the project in a particular budget year. Include all collaborating investigators, and other individuals meeting the Senior/Key Person definition if they are from the applicant organization. Details of collaborators at other institutions will be provided in the Subaward budget for each subaward/consortium organization. Personnel listed as Other Significant Contributors who are not committing any specific measurable effort to the project should not be included in the Personnel section of the budget since no associated salary and/or fringe benefits should be requested for their contribution. Consultant costs must be included in F.3 Consultant Services.  

Please note, fields marked with an asterisk * are required.  These fields will also be marked with an asterisk on the webforms in the application workspace.  

Section A. Senior/Key Person Budget Instructions 




Pre-populated from the R&R SF424. Enter the prefix (e.g., Mr., Mrs., Rev.) for the name of each Senior/Key Person.  

First Name 

Pre-populated from the R&R SF424. Enter the first (given) name of each Senior/Key Person. This field is required.  

Middle Name 

Pre-populated from the R&R SF424. Enter the middle name of each Senior/Key Person, if applicable.  

Last Name 

Pre-populated from the R&R SF424. Enter the last (family) name of each Senior/Key Person. This field is required 


Pre-populated from the R&R SF424. Enter the suffix (e.g., Jr., Sr., and PhD) of each Senior/Key Person.  

*Project Role  

  • The role of the PI is pre-populated in the 01 year budget only. Do not change or edit this field for the PI. For future year budgets, use consistent terminology. 
  • Identify the project role of each Senior/Key person in this section. This section could also include such roles as Co-PI, Postdoctoral Associates, and Other Professionals.  
  • The role of “Co-PI” is not currently used by DOE. Do not assign any individual this role. If applicants wish to use the role of “Co-Investigator” or some other similar role, select “Other” for the Project Role field and then insert the appropriate role descriptor in the Other Project Role Category field.  

Base Salary ($) 

  • Enter the annual compensation paid by the employer for each Senior/Key Person. This includes all activities such as research, teaching, patient care, or other. You may choose to leave this column blank.  
  • STTR: If the PI is an employee of the Research Institution (RI), the PI salary should be entered on the RI subaward budget page.  

Calendar Months 

  • Identify the number of months devoted to the project for each Senior/Key Person (i.e., calendar, academic, summer).  
  • NOTE:  The PI is required to commit a minimum of 3 hours per week to the project. 
  • NOTE: Key Personnel hours and rates are required as part of the budget justification.  
  • STTR: If the PI is an employee of the Research Institution (RI), the PI months devoted should be entered on the RI subaward budget page.  

Academic Months 

  • Identify the number of months devoted to the project for each Senior/Key Person (for example, calendar, academic, summer).  
  • If your institution does not use a 9-month academic year, indicate your institution’s definition of academic year in the budget justification.  
  • STTR: If the PI is an employee of the Research Institution (RI), the PI months devoted should be entered on the RI subaward budget page.  

Summer Months 

  • Identify the number of months devoted to the project for each Senior/Key Person (for example, calendar, academic, summer).  
  • If your institution does not use a 3-month summer period, indicate your institution’s definition of summer in the budget justification.  
  • STTR: If the PI is an employee of the Research Institution (RI), the PI months devoted should be entered on the RI subaward budget page. 

*Requested Salary ($) 

  • Regardless of the number of months being devoted to the project, indicate only the amount of salary being requested for this budget period for each Senior/Key Person. This field is required.  
  • STTR: The PI may be paid by either the research institution (RI) or the small business, but not both. If the PI is an employee of the small business, enter the PI’s salary on the small business budget. If the PI is an employee of the RI, enter the PI’s salary on the RI’s subaward budget.  

*Fringe Benefits ($)

Enter applicable fringe benefits, if any, for each Senior/Key Person.  

*Funds Requested ($) 

Enter the requested salary and fringe benefits for each Senior/Key Person. This field is required.  

Total Funds requested for all Senior/Key Persons in the attached file 

Enter the total funds requested for all Senior/Key persons. This is required information. 

Total Senior/Key Persons 

The total funds requested for all Senior/Key Persons.  

Additional Senior/Key Persons 

  • If funds are requested for more than eight Senior/Key Persons, include all pertinent budget information as identified in this section and attach as a file here.  
  • Enter the total funds requested for all additional Senior/Key Persons in the appropriate field of Section A.  
  • Use the same format as the budget component and include all required information.  


Blank & Sample Forms:

  • Blank form screenshot:

  • Sample form screenshot: