Estimated Project Funding | |
Field | Instructions |
a. Total Federal Funds Requested | (This information comes from Fields I and J of the R&R Budget Form)Enter the federal funds requested (Field I, Total Direct and Indirect Costs) plus Fee (Field J).Please refer to the Topics document for maximum funding limits by topic and subtopic. |
b. Total Non-Federal Funds | Enter total non-Federal funds proposed for the entire project period.For applications to DOE, enter “0” in this field unless cost sharing is a requirement of the specific announcement. |
c. Total Federal & Non-Federal Funds | Enter total estimated funds for the entire project period, including both Federal and non-Federal funds. This is required information.For DOE, this field will be the same as item 15a unless cost sharing is entered in 15b. |
d. Estimated Program Income | Enter the amount from Field J of the R&R Related Budget Form.For DOE, profit or fee is not “program income” and shall not be included in field 15d of the SF424 (R&R) application. |
In the course of your application preparation, your budget numbers may change. Always make sure that your budget numbers throughout all documents, including your budget justification, are consistent. Give yourself time to go back and check before you submit as it is very easy to overlook a change, particularly in a text-based document such as the budget justification.
Make sure that your total budget does not exceed the amount allotted by the FOA.