Section Basics
If the grant application contains formal collaboration with a Research Institution (RI), (required for an STTR, optional for an SBIR), the contact information for the RI and the certifying official from the RI must be included, as well as the total dollar amount of the subcontract. The work to be completed by the RI must be described in detail in the Work Plan section. Provide a detailed cost estimate including costs for labor, equipment, and materials, if any, as well as a specific statement certifying that they have agreed to serve in the manner and to the extent described in the Work Plan section of the grant application.
The RI will be considered a subcontractor to the applicant. The RI must provide a Letter of Commitment (LOC) on official letterhead from an authorized representative of the RI which commits the institution to participate in the project as described in the application. The LOC should be attached as an “Other Attachment” in field 12, on the Research & Related Other Project Information form. If selected for a grant, participation of the RI will be verified by the DOE contracting officer.
Section Goals
A sample Letter of Commitment is available in the right hand column.
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