Registration with DOE Office of Science Portfolio Analysis and Management System (PAMS) 

PAMS is the system that the DOE Office of Science uses for processing grant applications and other cooperative agreements and SBIR/STTR applicants must submit their Letter of Intent through PAMS before their grant application is submitted in  PAMS registration is a two-step process that requires the creation of an individual account which then must be associated with the institution that is applying for the grant.  After you have submitted your application through, the application will automatically transfer into PAMS for processing by the DOE Office of Science.  Additionally you will need to “register” to your application in PAMS after it has been submitted and processed by DOE.    

The two-step process for PAMS registration is as follows: 

Create Individual PAMS Account 

  • Enter your name and email address, create user name and password, select security question and answer. 
  • Click “Save and Continue” button.  
  • On the next page, enter the required information (at least one phone number and your mailing address) and any optional information you wish to provide.  Click the “Create Account” button.   
  • Read the user agreement and click the “Accept” button to indicate that you understand your responsibilities and agree to comply with the rules of behavior for PAMS. 
  • PAMS will take you to the “Register to Institution” page.  If you have been an Office of Science merit reviewer or have previously submitted an application, you may already be linked to an institution in PAMS.  If this happens, you will instead be taken to the PAMS home page.   


Register to Institution in PAMS 

  • Click the link labeled “Option 2:  I know my institution and I am here to register to the institution.”   
  • If you previously created a PAMS account but did not register to an institution at that time, you must click the “Institutions” tab and click the “Register to Institution” link. 
  • Type a word or phrase from your institution name in the field labeled “Institution Name like.” 
  • Choose the radio button next to the item that best describes your role in the system and click the “search” button.  A “like” search in PAMS returns results that contain the word or phrase you enter.  You do not need to enter the exact name of the institution, but you should enter a word or phrase contained within the institution name.   
  • If your institution has a frequently used acronym, such as ANL for Argonne National Laboratory or UCLA for the Regents of the University of California, you may find it easiest to search using the acronym.    
  • Find your institution in the list that is returned by the search and click the “Actions” link in the “Options” column next to the institution name to obtain a dropdown list. 
  • Select “Add me to this institution” from the dropdown.  PAMS will then take you to the “Institutions – List” page.   
  • If you do not see your institution in the initial search results, you can search again by clicking the “Cancel” button, clicking the Option 2 link, and repeating the search.   
  • If, after searching, you think your institution is not currently in the database, click the “Cannot Find My Institution” button and enter the requested information into PAMS.   
  • Click the “Create Institution” button and PAMS will add the institution to the system, associate your profile with the new institution, and return you to the “Institutions – List” page when you are finished.