Section Basics:
In this section applicants should define the specific technical problem or opportunity addressed by the application. Applicants should provide enough background information so that the importance of the problem/opportunity is clear. They should indicate the overall technical approach to the problem/opportunity and the part that the proposed research plays in providing needed results.
Although each section of the Project Narrative is important, the first section is extremely so as it is the first part of your proposed project that reviewers will encounter, and it lays the groundwork for all that follows. This section should take up a significant portion of the narrative and applicants should plan on dedicating around 3-4 pages to addressing it thoroughly.
For further discussion of this section, please see the Phase 0 tutorial “Drafting the First Section of the Project Narrative,” available in pdf or as a podcast.
Section goals:
Pro tipsUsing headings subheadings will help provide greater clarity to the response and ensure that each portion of the question is addressed. For instance, the first part of this section could be broken down into Identification and Significance of the Problem or Opportunity and then Technical Approach. The Technical Approach section could then be further broken down into Current Methods Used to Address Problem and then [Company Name]’s Technical Approach.
Applicants should demonstrate that they have read and understand the requirements of the topic and associated subtopic and that the proposed project meets the needs identified by DOE. If the topic or subtopic description referenced specific literature, it is useful to mention and/or discuss that literature to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of DOE’s needs.
Present statements and arguments in a scholarly fashion and provide evidence to substantiate your position.
Avoid including promotional language about your company or information that is tangential to the discussion of the problem/opportunity and your technical approach. |