Section Basics
The relationship between the Technical Objectives and the Work Plan is central to the Project Narrative and this section should demonstrate that the applicant can not only carry out the proposed research and/or project, but that your innovation will provide a viable solution to the specific problem or opportunity identified by DOE. Use this section to state the specific technical objectives for the Phase I research and development and then link these objectives to the Work Plan by describing in explicit detail the methods planned to achieve each objective, as well as indicating the qualifications of the team that will carry out the work, where it will be done, and how it will be carried out.
Because of the level of detail required and importance to the Project Narrative, applicants should be prepared to dedicate approximately 4-6 pages to this section and include 3-4 objectives to be completed in Phase I.
Section Goals
Pro tips:
Phase 0 Resources: Phase 0 podcast: How to Prepare the Objectives and the Work Plan Click Here → Phase 0 Tutorial pdf: How to Prepare the Objectives and the Work Plan |