Section Basics
Describe available equipment and physical facilities necessary to carry out the Phase I effort. Equipment is defined as an article of tangible, nonexpendable, personal property, including exempt property, charged directly to the grant, having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 per unit or more. Items of equipment to be leased or purchased must be described and justified in this section. If the equipment needed is expensive - as it may be - please should contact DOE via email to secure advisement on whether it's cost is reasonable for the opportunity. Title to equipment purchased under this grant lies with the government. It may be transferred to the grantee where such transfer would be more cost effective than recovery of the property by the government. Grantees wishing to obtain title should contact their contract specialist prior to the project completion for the procedure to follow to make such a request If the equipment, instrumentation, and facilities are not the property of the applicant and are not to be purchased or leased, the source must be identified and their availability and expected costs specifically confirmed in this section. A principal organization that owns or operates the facilities/equipment must provide written verification regarding the availability and cost of facilities/equipment and any associated technician cost. Small businesses may get credit for obtaining this equipment as an in-kind Phase II commercial contribution.
American-made – To the extent possible in keeping with the overall purposes of the program, only American-made equipment and products should be purchased with the funds provided by the financial assistance under DOE Phase I grants.
Section Goals
Pro tips:
Phase 0 Resources: