SF 424 Sections                                                                                                                      

General PI Restrictions & Requirements
Fields 1-13: Basic Company & Project Information
Field 14: Project Director Information
Field 15: Estimated Project Funding
Field 16: Application Subject to Review by State Executive Order?
Field 17: Certifications and Assurances
Field 18: SFLLL or other Explanatory Information
Field 19: Authorized Representative Information
Other Fields (20-21): Not Required

The SF 424 Form is the first form that applicants encounter in the application workspace. Certain fields in the SF 424 will auto populate fields in other forms as the applicant progresses through the workspace.  The SF 424 serves as an overall summary document of the proposed project in that it includes the contact information and addresses of the Applicant Organization, the Administrative/Business Representative, and the PI, the project topic and subtopic, the project title, and the requested federal funding amount, among other essential pieces of information.  

As the SF 424 is used by multiple granting agencies, not all fields are applicable to DOE SBIR applications.  Additionally, certain fields will auto populate based upon the funding opportunity selected, and other fields are to be used by the representatives at the granting agency.  In the step-by-step instructions below, we indicate exactly which fields will require the attention of the applicant.  However, before delving into the step-by-step instructions, we would like to suggest that applicants gather certain pieces of information that will help streamline the process.    


  • A blank R&R Senior/Key Person Profile form → Click Here
  • A sample filled R&R Senior/Key Person Profile form: