The need may arise, during the life cycle of an award, to request modifications to the award. Modifications may include a No Cost Extension, a Principal Investigator (PI) Change, or a PI Transfer. Award recipients may request changes by creating and submitting an Award Modification Request.
The purpose of this document is to provide step-by step instructions for users to follow to create an Award Modification Request.
Before an Award Modification Request can be created, the following criteria must be met:
Use the following steps to create and submit an Award Modification Request.
Use the following steps to access the Award Modification Request.
1. Log in to the PAMS external website at:
2. Navigate to the Awards tab (Figure 1). PAMS will load the My Awards – List page, which contains a list of all of the awards in PAMS that you have access to.
3. Browse the list for the award you would like to create a modification request for, and select Request Award Modification from the Actions/Views menu in the Options column (Figure 1). If necessary, use the filters in the grid or click the Search link on the right above the grid to find a specific award.
Figure 1. My Awards – List – Request Award Modification
4. PAMS will load the Modification Requests – List page. This page contains a list of all of the modifications created for this award. To create a new request, click the Create New Request link below the Resources header (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Modification Requests – List – Create New Request
A No Cost Extension lengthens the duration of the award with no need for additional funds. Use the following steps to create a No Cost Extension Award Modification Request.
1. After clicking Create New Request on the Modification Requests – List page, PAMS will load the Awards – Select Modification Type page. Select the “No Cost Extension” radio button, and click Save and Continue in the bottom right corner of the page (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Awards – Select Modification Type – No Cost Extension
If the user attempts to select an NCE and PAMS has received a Renewal Proposal for the next Project Period of the subject Award, PAMS will display the following confirmation overlay: "A Renewal Proposal for the next Project Period of this Award has been received. If a No Cost Extension is requested and approved this could impact when and if any Renewal Awards can be made. Please verify that you wish to request a No Cost Extension and select "Continue" to move forward with the request. Otherwise, please select "Cancel"." |
2. PAMS will load the Modification Request – No Cost Extension page. Refer to the table below for guidance on completing the Modification Request – No Cost Extension page (Figure 4).
Required Fields
Element | Description |
Proposed End Date | Use the Calendar icon or manually enter the new proposed end date for the current award in the MM/DD/YYYY format. (The new end date must be after the current end date.) |
Amount of Funding Still Unspent | Enter the amount of unspent funds remaining on the award. |
Justification | Enter a justification for your request to extend the length of the award. |
Figure 4. Modification Request – No Cost Extension
3. Once you have completed the required fields, click the Submit to DOE button in the bottom right corner of the page (Figure 4).
4. PAMS will redirect you to the Modification Requests – List page and display a Success message confirming that your request was submitted successfully (Figure 5).
This request is submitted to the PM on the award. The PM will receive an email notification stating that a Review Award Modification Request task has been created. |
Figure 5. Modification Requests – List – No Cost Extension Success Message
Occasionally, the PI on an award will transfer to a new institution. When this happens, all of the PI’s active awards must be modified to reflect this.
1. After clicking Create New Request on the Modification Requests – List page, PAMS will load the Awards – Select Modification Type page. Select the “PI (Principal Investigator) Transfer to a New Institution” radio button, and click Save and Continue in the bottom right corner of the page (Figure 6).
Figure 6. Awards – Select Modification Type – PI Transfer to a New Institution
"PI (Principal Investigator) Transfer to a New Institution" will not be an option for Expired Awards. |
2. PAMS will load the Modification Request – PI Transfer to a New Institution page. Refer to the table below for guidance on completing the Modification Request – PI Transfer to a New Institution page (Figure 7).
Required Fields
Element | Description |
SF-425 Attachment | Attach and upload the SF-425 Form for the PI Transfer. |
Provide a detailed description of the above request | Enter a justification for the PI Transfer request. |
Figure 7. Modification Request – PI Transfer to a New Institution
5. Once you have completed the required fields, click the Submit to DOE button in the bottom right corner of the page (Figure 7).
6. PAMS will redirect you to the Modification Requests – List page and display a Success message confirming that your request was submitted successfully (Figure 8).
This request is submitted to the PM on the award. The PM will receive an email notification stating that a Review Award Modification Request task has been created. |
Figure 8. Modification Requests – List – PI Transfer Success Message
Sometimes, the need to change the PI on an award arises. When this happens, the award must be updated with a new PI.
1. After clicking Create New Request on the Modification Requests – List page, PAMS will load the Awards – Select Modification Type page. Select the “Change PI (Principal Investigator)” radio button, and click Save and Continue in the bottom right corner of the page (Figure 9).
Figure 9. Awards – Select Modification Type – Change PI
2. PAMS will load the Modification Request – Change PI page. Refer to the table below for guidance on completing the Modification Request – Change PI page (Figure 10).
Required Fields
Element | Description |
Action to be Taken | Select the “Remove from Award” or “Leave on Award and Change Role from PI to Other” radio button. |
Select PI | Click this button to select a new PI from the list of users who are registered to your institution. |
Justification | Enter a justification for the Change PI Request. |
New PI Resume/CV Attachment | Attach and upload the resume for the new PI you identified under Select PI. |
Figure 10. Modification Request – Change PI
3. Once you have completed the required fields, click the Submit to DOE button in the bottom right corner of the page (Figure 10).
4. PAMS will redirect you to the Modification Requests – List page and display a Success message confirming that your request was submitted successfully (Figure 11).
This request is submitted to the PM on the award. The PM will receive an email notification stating that a Review Award Modification Request task has been created. |
Figure 11. Modification Requests – List – Change PI Success Message