1 Introduction

Within the PAMS application, Renewal Proposal Products (RPP) are submitted by the External applicant after a Renewal proposal has been submitted through Grants.gov and assigned to a Program Manager (PM) in PAMS. RPP include all products created during a project period, such as: inventions, patents, books, articles, conference papers, etc.

The applicant will receive a Submit Renewal Proposal Products task once the Renewal proposal has been assigned to a PM. By default, the task is generated for and available to the PI on the award – who may be different from the PI on the Renewal proposal – but the award PI can provide access privileges to other users so that they may submit RPP. The Submit Renewal Proposal Products task does not require the concurrence of a Sponsored Research Officer/Business Officer/Administrative Officer (SRO/BO/AO).

Once RPP are submitted, they are appended to the Renewal proposal, which may then be sent for merit review. A Renewal proposal cannot be sent for merit review without the RPP.

The purpose of this document is to provide step-by-step instructions for users to follow to complete the Submit Renewal Proposal Products task.

2 Prerequisites

Before RPP can be submitted, the following criteria must be met:

  • A Renewal proposal has been submitted for a Non-SBIR or Non-National Lab award.
  • The Renewal proposal has been assigned to a PM.
  • The PI has received an email notification requesting that RPP be submitted.

3 Renewal Proposal Products

These steps follow the workflow from accessing the task to completing and submitting the RPP.

3.1 Accessing a Renewal Proposal Products Task

Use the following steps to access your Renewal Proposal Products task.

3.1.1 Existing Account

Use the following steps if the PI on the award has an existing External PAMS account.

1. PAMS will send an email notification to the PI indicating that the RPP task has been created (Figure 1). Follow the Portfolio Analysis and Management System (PAMS) link provided in the email. OR Log in to the PAMS External website at https://pamspublic.science.energy.gov.

Figure 1. Request for Renewal Proposal Products Email – PI Has an Existing PAMS Account

  1. Once you are logged in to PAMS, navigate to the Tasks tab > Pending Tasks – List page (Figure 2).

From any PAMS page, click the Renewal Proposal Products link in the left navigation menu to go to the Renewal Proposal Products – List page (Figure 3).

Figure 2. Pending Tasks – List Page, Submit Renewal Proposal Products, Start Renewal Products

Figure 3. Renewal Proposal Products – List Page, Start Renewal Proposal Products

3. From either List page, find the Submit Renewal Proposal Products task you want to complete and click Start Renewal Products in the Options column. If necessary, click the Search link on the right above the grid to find a specific Submit Renewal Proposal Products task to work on.

3.1.2 No Existing Account

Use the following steps if the PI on the award does not have an existing External PAMS account.

1. If the PI does not have an External PAMS account, PAMS will send an email notification to the PI indicating that the task has been created, and provide a registration link and code (Figure 4). Click the I do not have a PAMS account

Figure 4. Request for Renewal Proposal Products Email – PI Does Not Have an Existing Account

2. Enter the registration code on the Verify Registration Code page, and click Verify (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Verify Registration Code Page

3. Complete the account creation process. (Step-by-step instructions for account creation can be found in the External User – Create Account training module.)

4. Begin at Step 2 in section 1.1 Existing Account to access the RPP task after creating the account.

3.2 Completing the Cover Page

Use the following steps to complete the Cover Page section of the Renewal Proposal Products task.

  1. The Cover Page is always “Marked as Complete” because it is prepopulated with information from the award. Enter the Recipient Award Identification Number in the provided field (Figure 6), and click Save and Continue in the bottom right corner to go to the next section.

  • Complete sections are marked with a green check mark; incomplete sections are marked with a green check mark with a red slash.
  • The title of and PI on the award may differ from those on the recently submitted proposal.
  • The Recipient Award Identification Number can be found in the My Awards folder. Institution users can use this ID number for Internal tracking purposes.

Figure 6. Renewal Proposal Products – Cover Page

2. Click Update in the Options column on the Renewal Proposal Products – Status page to edit any section.

Figure 7. Renewal Proposal Products – Status Page – Renewal Proposal Products Status Section

3.3 Completing the Products Section

Use the following steps to update the Products section of the RPP.

1. The Products section is prepopulated with information from previously submitted progress reports for the award and from products added/edited on the Products – List page between reports. The categories include: Publications, Intellectual Property, Technologies or Techniques, and Other Products (Figure 8).

2. To add a new product under a section, click the appropriate Add product link above the section’s grid.

Figure 8. Renewal Proposal Products – Products Section

3. To update, delete, or view an existing product, click the Actions/Views link in the Options column for that product (Figure 9).

Figure 9. Renewal Proposal Products – Other Products – Actions/Views Context Menu

3.3.1 Adding Publications

There are seven types of publications that can be added to your RPP: Journal Article, Book, Book Chapter, Thesis/Dissertation, Conference Paper/Presentation, Website, and Other Publication.

Use the following steps to add a Publication to your RPP.

1. Click the Add New Publication link under the Publications section header (Figure 8) to go to the Renewal Proposal Products – Add New Publication page (Figure 10).

Figure 10. Renewal Proposal Products – Add New Publication Page

2. Click the Select One dropdown arrow in the Publication section’s Type field, and select the kind of publication you want to add.

3. Click the Populate Form

4. PAMS will load a publication type-specific form based on the Publication Type you selected. Fill in the required fields to complete the form.

5. When finished, click the Save and Continue button to return to the Renewal Proposal Products – Products page (Figure 8). A Success message informs you that the publication was added successfully. Add Journal Article

Refer to the table below to complete the form to add a Journal Article to your RPP.

Figure 11. Renewal Proposal Products – Add New Publication – Journal Article

Journal Article – Required Fields

Article Title Field   Fill with the required information.
Author FieldFill with the required information.
Journal FieldFill with the required information.
Journal Peer Reviewed? Select the Yes or No radio button
Publication Status Select a status from the dropdown.
Acknowledgement of DOE Support?Select the Yes or No radio button
Save and Continue Button  

Click this button to return to the Renewal Proposal Products –

Products page. A Success message informs you that the article was added successfully. Add Book

Refer to the table below to complete the form to add a Book to your RPP.

Figure 12. Renewal Proposal Products – Add New Publication – Book

Book – Required Fields


Book Title Field

Fill with the required information.

Author(s) Field

Fill with the required information.

Publication Status Field 

Select a status from the dropdown. If the status is “Other”, please

specify in the field provided.

Book Publisher Field

Fill with the required information.

Book Peer Reviewed?

Select the Yes or No radio button.

Acknowledgement of DOE Support?

Select the Yes or No radio button.
Save and Continue Button

Click this button to return to the Renewal Proposal Products –

Products page. A Success message informs you that the book was added successfully. Add Book Chapter

Refer to the table below to complete the form to add a Book Chapter to your RPP.

Figure 13. Renewal Proposal Products – Add New Publication – Book Chapter

Book Chapter – Required Fields

Chapter Title FieldFill with the required information.
Author(s) FieldFill with the required information.
Book Title FieldFill with the required information.
Publication Status FieldSelect a status from the dropdown.
Book Publisher FieldFill with the required information.
Chapter Peer Reviewed?Select the Yes or No radio button.
Acknowledgement of DOE Support?Select the Yes or No radio button.
Save and Continue Button

Click this button to return to the Renewal Proposal Products –

Products page. A Success message informs you that the book chapter was added successfully. Add Thesis/Dissertation

Refer to the table below to complete the form to add a Thesis/Dissertation to your RPP.

Figure 14. Renewal Proposal Products – Add New Publication – Thesis/Dissertation

Thesis/Dissertation – Required Fields

TItle FieldFill with the required information.
Author(s) FieldFill with the required information.
Institution FieldFill with the required information.
Acknowledgement of DOE Support?Select the Yes or No radio button.
Save and Continue Button

Click this button to return to the Renewal Proposal Products –

Products page. A Success message informs you that the thesis/dissertation was added successfully. Add Conference Paper/Presentation

Refer to the table below to complete the form to add a Conference Paper/Presentation to your RPP.

Figure 15. Renewal Proposal Products – Add New Publication – Conference Paper/Presentation

Conference Paper/Presentation – Required Fields

Paper TItle FieldFill with the required information.
Author(s) FieldFill with the required information.
Book TItle FieldFill with the required information.
Conference Name FieldFill with the required information.
Conference Location FieldFill with the required information.
Conference Date FieldFill with the required information.
Publication Status Field

Select a status from the dropdown. If the status is “Other”, please

specify in the field provided.
Acknowledgement of DOE Support?Select the Yes or No radio button.
Save and Continue Button

Click this button to return to the Renewal Proposal Products –

Products page. A Success message informs you that the conference paper/presentation was added successfully. Add Website

Refer to the table below to complete the form to add a Website to your RPP.

Figure 16. Renewal Proposal Products – Add New Publication – Website

Website – Required Fields

Title FieldFill with the required information.
URL FieldFill with the Web Address.
Save and Continue ButtonClick this button to return to the Renewal Proposal Products – Products page. A Success message informs you that the Website was added successfully. Add Other Publication

Refer to the table below to complete the form to add an Other Publication to your RPP.

Figure 17. Renewal Proposal Products – Add New Publication – Other Publication

Other Publication – Required Fields

Title FieldFill with the required information.
Author(s) FieldFill with the required information.
Description FieldExplain the nature of this publication.
Publication Status FieldSelect a status from the dropdown. If the status is “Other”, please specify in the field provided.
Acknowledgement of DOE Support?Select the Yes or No radio button.
Save and Continue ButtonClick this button to return to the Renewal Proposal Products – Products page. A Success message informs you that the publication was added successfully.

3.3.2 Adding Intellectual Property

There are three types of Intellectual Property that can be added to your RPP: Patent, Invention, and License.

Use the following steps to add Intellectual Property to your RPP.

1. Click the Add New Intellectual Property link under the Intellectual property header (Figure 8) to go to the Renewal Proposal Products – Add New Intellectual Property page (Figure 20).

Figure 18. Renewal Proposal Products – Add New Intellectual Property Page

2. Click the Select One dropdown arrow in the Intellectual Property section’s Type field, and select the kind of intellectual property you want to add.

3. Click the Populate Form

4. PAMS will load an intellectual property type-specific form based on the Intellectual Property Type you selected. Fill in the required fields to complete the form.

5. When finished, click the Save and Continue button to go to the Renewal Proposal Products – Products page. A Success message informs you that the intellectual property was added successfully. Add Patent

Refer to the table below to complete the form to add an Other Publication to your RPP.

Figure 19. Renewal Proposal Products – Add New Intellectual Property – Patent

Patent – Required Fields

Patent Title FieldFill with the required information.
Patent Abstract FieldProvide a description of the patent.
Patent Number FieldFill with the required information.
Country FieldClick the Select One dropdown and choose the country where the patent resides.
Application Status Field

Click the dropdown and choose the current status of the patent:

Submitted, Pending, or Granted.
Save and Continue ButtonClick this button to return to the Renewal Proposal Products – Products page. A Success message informs you that the patent was added successfully. Add Invention

Refer to the table below to complete the form to add an Invention to your RPP.

Figure 20. Renewal Proposal Products – Add New Intellectual Property – Invention

Invention – Required Fields

Invention Title FieldFill with the required information.
Inventors FieldFill with the required information.
Invention Description FieldExplain the nature of the invention.
Save and Continue ButtonClick this button to return to the Renewal Proposal Products – Products page. A Success message informs you that the patent was added successfully. Add License

Refer to the table below to complete the form to add a License to your RPP.

Figure 21. Renewal Proposal Products – Add New Intellectual Property – License

License – Required Fields

License Title FieldFill with the required information.
License Status Field

Click the dropdown and choose the current status of the license:

None, Pending, or Licensed.
Save and Continue ButtonClick this button to return to the Renewal Proposal Products – Products page. A Success message informs you that the license was added successfully.

3.3.3 Adding a New Technology or Technique

Use the following steps to add a New Technology or Technique to your RPP.

1. Click the Add New Technology or Technique link under the Technologies or Techniques section header to go to the Renewal Proposal Products – Add New Technology or Technique

2. Describe the new technology or technique in the Technology or Technique section’s Description

3. When finished, click the Save and Continue button to go to the Renewal Proposal Products – Products A Success message informs you that the technology or technique was added successfully.

Figure 22. Renewal Proposal Products – Add New Technology or Technique

Add New Technology or Technique – Required Fields

Description FieldExplain the nature of the technology or technique.
Save and Continue ButtonClick this button to return to the Renewal Proposal Products – Products page. A Success message informs you that the technology or technique was added successfully.

3.3.4 Adding Other Products

Use the following steps to add a product that is not a Publication, Intellectual Property, or New Technology/Technique to your RPP.

1. Click the Add Other Products link under the Other Products section header (Figure 8) to go to the Renewal Proposal Products – Add Other Product page (Figure 23).

Figure 23. Renewal Proposal Products – Add Other Product

2. Click the dropdown arrow in the Other Product section’s Product Type field, and choose the kind of product you are

3. If you select “Other” for the Product Type, provide a specific, brief identification of the product in the field

4. Fill in the required Description

5. When finished, click the Save and Continue button to go to the Renewal Proposal Products – Products page. A Success message informs you that the product was added

Add Other Product – Required Fields

Product Type FieldClick the dropdown and choose a Type for this product. If you select “Other”, provide a specific, brief identification of the product in the field provided.
Description FieldExplain the nature of the product.
Save and Continue ButtonClick this button to return to the Renewal Proposal Products – Products page. A Success message informs you that the product was added successfully.

3.4 Submitting Renewal Proposal Products

After entering and reviewing all products, you may submit the RPP. RPP submission cannot be undone. Use the steps below to review and submit the RPP.

1. After entering all products, click the Mark as Complete button in the bottom left corner of the page (Figure 24).

Figure 24. Renewal Proposal Products – Mark as Complete

2. Click the Submit section in the left navigation menu (Figure 25).

3. Click the Preview Renewal Proposal Product PDF button on the Renewal Proposal Products – Submit page. The preview will generate in a new window.

Figure 25. Renewal Proposal Products – Submit

RPP can be previewed after the task is opened and before it is submitted. You are encouraged to preview the RPP PDF prior to submission as it will be appended to your renewal proposal and sent for merit review.

4. After previewing the submission, click Submit at the bottom left corner of the page. You will receive a green success message indicating that the RPP was submitted successfully.

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