5.  Is the research performance site designated, or eligible to be designated, as a historic place?  

If any research performance site is designated, or eligible to be designated, as a historic place, check “Yes” and then provide an explanation in the box provided in 5.a.  Otherwise, check “No.” 

5.a. If yes, please explain. 

If you checked the “Yes” box indicating any performance site is designated, or eligible to be designated, as a historic place, provide an explanation here.   

  1. Does this project involve activities outside of the United States or partnerships with international collaborators?

Check “Yes” or “No.” 

6.a. If yes, identify countries. 

Enter the countries with which international cooperative activities are involved. 

6.b. Optional Explanation 

Enter an explanation for involvement with outside entities (optional).  If desired, you can provide the information in a separate file, and attach by clicking “Add Attachments” located to the right of Step 12 – Other Attachments. 

If you have checked “Yes” to item 6, applicants must describe special resources or characteristics of the research project (e.g., human subjects, animals, equipment, and techniques), whether similar research is being done in the United States and whether there is a need for additional research in this area.  Provide this information in a separate file, attaching it as Item 12 - Other Attachments.   

Helpful Tips:   

  • What do I name files added to Field 12 that address questions 1 – 6? 

If you checked “Yes” to field 6 and your project involves activities outside of the US or partnerships with international collaborators, when uploading your explanation to field 12 please name the document “Foreign Justification.”  However, if you also had additional documents to provide for fields 1-5, please include ALL documents in one file titled “projinfo.pdf.” Be sure to include headings/titles within your document, for instance “Environmental Impacts,” “Foreign Justification,” to clearly identify what additional information you are providing.     

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