Profile – Project Director/Principal Investigator |
Field Name | Instructions |
Prefix | Enter the prefix for the name of the PI. (auto populated) |
First Name | Enter the first name of the PI. (auto populated) |
Middle Name | Enter the middle name of the PI. (auto populated) |
Last Name | Enter the last name of the PI. (auto populated) |
Suffix | Enter the suffix (e.g., Jr., Sr., PhD) for the name of the PI. (auto populated) |
Position/Title | Enter the title or position of the PI. (auto populated) |
Department | Enter the primary organizational department, service, laboratory, or equivalent level within the organization where the PI works. (auto populated) |
Organization Name | Enter the name of the organization of the PI. (auto populated) |
Division | Enter the name of the primary organizational division, office, or major subdivision of the PI. (auto populated) |
Street1 | Enter the first line of the street address of the PI. (auto populated) |
Street2 | Enter the second line of the street address of the PI. (auto populated) |
City | Enter the city for the address of the PI. (auto populated) |
County/Parish | Enter the county or parish for the address of the PI. (auto populated) |
State | Enter the state where the PI is located. (auto populated) |
Province | Enter the province where the PI is located. (auto populated) |
Country | Enter the country where the PI is located. (auto populated) |
Zip Code | Enter the zip code for the address of the PI. (auto populated) |
Phone Number | Enter the phone number for the PI. (auto populated) |
Fax Number | Enter the fax number for the PI. (auto populated) |
Email | Enter the email address of the PI. (auto populated) |
Credential, agency login | If you are submitting to an agency where you already have an established personal profile, enter the agency ID. If you do not, leave this field blank. |
Project Role | Select One. Use “Other” if a category is not listed in the pick list. Select Program Director/Principal Investigator for the PI. |
Other Project Role Category | Complete if you selected “Other Professional” or “Other” as a project role, e.g., Engineer, Chemist. |
Degree Type | Enter the highest academic or professional degree or other credentials (e.g., RN). This is optional information. |
Degree Year | Enter the year the highest degree or other credential was obtained. This is optional information. |
Attach Biosketch | Provide a biographical sketch for the PI. Note the document cannot be longer than 2 pages and must contain all information in a single pdf. The biosketch must contain information related to areas specified by DOE including: - Education and Training
- Research and Professional Experience
- Collaborators and Affiliations (for potential conflicts of interest)
- Publications and Synergistic Activities
Attach Current & Pending Support | Provide a list of all current and pending support (both Federal and non-Federal) for on-going projects and pending applications. |