1 Introduction

At some point, you may leave an Institution, and you will need to remove yourself from that Institution in PAMS.

The purpose of this document is to provide step-by-step instructions for users to follow to remove themselves from an Institution in PAMS.

2 Prerequisites

Before a user can remove himself from an Institution in PAMS, the following criteria must be met:

  • The user has an active PAMS account.
  • The user is associated to an active Institution in PAMS.

3 Remove Yourself From an Institution

Use the following steps to remove yourself from an Institution in PAMS.

1. Log in to the PAMS external website at: https://pamspublic.science.energy.gov/webpamsepsexternal/login.aspx  

2. Navigate to the Institutions tab. (Figure 1)

Figure 1. PAMS Home, Institutions

3. PAMS will load the Institutions – List page, which displays all Institutions to which you are affiliated in PAMS. Browse the list or use the filters above the grid to locate the Institution from which you would like to remove yourself. Once you have found the Institution, click Identify Institution Affiliation in the Actions/Views menu in the Options column for that Institution. (Figure 2)

Figure 2. Institutions, Identify Institution Affiliation

4. PAMS will navigate to the Identify Institution Affiliation page, which displays your Primary Institution Affiliation and the Institution you have selected. To remove yourself from the Institution in PAMS, select the "Not Active Affiliation" radio button. (Figure 3)

Figure 3. Identify Institution Affiliation

5. Click the Save and Continue button in the bottom right corner. PAMS will navigate to the Identify Institution Affiliation – Confirmation page, which displays a confirmation message relevant to your role at the Institution you are leaving.

3.1 Leaving the Institution

1. PAMS will display a message asking you to confirm that you want to leave the Institution. Click Confirm in the bottom right corner. (Figure 4)

Figure 4. Identify Institution Affiliation – Confirmation

2. PAMS will return to the Institutions – List page and display a green success message confirming that the institutional affiliation(s) have been identified successfully. (Figure 5)

Figure 5. Institutions – List, Success

3.2 Leaving the Institution if You are the Last SRO/BO/AO

1. If you are the last SRO/BO/AO, PAMS will display a message asking you to confirm that you want to leave the Institution and informing you that you are the last SRO/BO/AO at the Institution. Click Confirm in the bottom right corner. (Figure 6)

Figure 6. Identify Institution Affiliation – Confirmation, Last Admin SRO

2. PAMS will navigate to the Invite New Admin SRO/BO/AO(s) to Removed Institution(s) page. On this page, you may choose whether to invite a new Admin SRO to the Institution. (Figure 7)

Figure 7. Invite New Admin SRO/BO/AO(s) to Removed Institution(s)

        a. If you select the "Please invite a new primary administrator to the institution you wish to end your affiliation with." radio button, you will need to provide the information for the new SRO. Click the Select Admin SRO/BO/AO button in the radio button header. PAMS will navigate to the Select New Admin SRO/BO/AO page, which displays a list of users currently associated to the Institution. Browse the list or use the filters above the grid to locate the individual you would like to invite to be the new Admin SRO for the Institution. Once you have located the individual, click Select as Admin SRO/BO/AO in the Options column. (Figure 8) PAMS will return to the Invite New Admin SRO/BO/AO(s) to Removed Institution(s) page and display the user's information in the required fields below the "Please invite a new primary administrator to the institution you wish to end your affiliation with" radio button. (Figure 7)

You may also enter the new Admin SRO's information in the required fields manually.

        b. If you do not wish to identify a new Admin SRO/BO/AO, select the "I do not wish to invite a new Admin SRO/BO/AO" radio button.

Figure 8. Select New Admin SRO/BO/AO

3. Click the Submit button in the bottom right corner.

4. PAMS will return to the Institutions – List page and display a green success message confirming that the institutional affiliation(s) have been identified successfully. (Figure 5)

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