1     Introduction

As a reviewer, your service is very important to the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science (SC) and to the research community. We know that you are very busy, and we appreciate the time it takes to participate in the review process.

The purpose of this document is to provide step-by-step instructions for users to follow to complete a Presubmission Review task.

2     Prerequisites

Before a Presubmission Review task can be completed, the following criteria must be met:

  • The user has an active external PAMS Account
  • The user has a Presubmission Review Task

3     Completing a Presubmission Review

Use the following steps to access and complete a Presubmission Review.

3.1   Locating a Presubmission Review Task

1. Log in to the PAMS External website at: https://pamspublic.science.energy.gov/webpamsepsexternal/login.aspx (Figure 1)

Figure 1. External Login

2. Presubmission Review tasks can be accessed in multiple ways:

     a) Click Tasks. (Figure 2) PAMS will navigate to the Pending Tasks – List page, which displays all tasks assigned to you or to which you have access. Browse the list or use the filters or advanced search above the grid to find the task you would like to complete. Once you have found the Review task, click Start Review in the Actions/Views menu in the Options column. (Figure 3)

     b) Click Review Presubmission(s) under Tasks Assigned to You or Presubmission Reviews in the For Reviewers section under Common Activities. (Figure 2) PAMS will navigate to the Presubmission Reviews – List page. Browse the list or use the filters or advanced search above the grid to find the Presubmission Review task you would like to complete. Once you have found the Review task, click Start Review in the Actions/Views menu in the Options column. (Figure 4)

Figure 2. External PAMS Homepage

Figure 3. Pending Tasks – List

Figure 4. Presubmission Reviews – List

3. PAMS will navigate to the Presubmission Review page, which displays all reviews assigned to you, including reviews that have been assigned to you but not accepted, reviews you have accepted, and reviews you have submitted and finalized. (Figure 5)

Figure 5. Presubmission Review

3.2   Accepting/Rejecting a Presubmission Review Task

  • If you have not accepted a Review, you may accept or decline it. PAMS displays all accepted Reviews in the Presubmission Assignments Accepted section. You may work on, save, and submit these Reviews.
  • When a Review is finalized, it moves to the Presubmission Assignments Finalized section and becomes visible to the Presubmission Review Group staff. These Reviews can no longer be edited.
  • When a Review is accepted or finalized, you may view the comments and score given for each Review.
  • A Conflict of Interest (COI) may be declared at any time.

1. Locate the Presubmission Assignments waiting to be Accepted section. Browse the list or use the filters to find the Presubmission Review you would like to accept or reject. Once you have found the Review, click Accept/Reject Assignment in the Options column. (Figure 5)

2. PAMS will navigate to the Presubmission Review – Conflict of Interest Certification page. (Figure 6) Read the certificate carefully and select one of the following radio buttons:

Figure 6. Presubmission Review – COI Certification

     a) I have no Conflict of Interest in reviewing the Presubmission – Upon clicking Save and Continue, PAMS will navigate to the Presubmission Review – Instructions to Reviewers page. (Figure 7)

Figure 7. Presubmission Review – Instructions to Reviewers

     b) I have a Conflict of Interest in reviewing the Presubmission – Upon clicking Save and Continue, PAMS will return to the Presubmission Review page and display a green success message confirming that you have indicated a COI successfully and it has been removed from your queue. If this selection was made in error, you may contact the PM to remove the COI and reopen the review for you. (Figure 8)

Figure 8. Presubmission Review – "I have a COI in reviewing this presubmission"

     c) I do not wish to review the Presubmission – Upon clicking Save and Continue, PAMS will return to the Presubmission Review page and display a green success message confirming that you have declined to review the Presubmission successfully and it has been removed from your queue. If this selection was made in error, you may contact the PM to reopen the review for you. (Figure 9)

Figure 9. Presubmission Review – "I do not wish to review”

You may include any comments of 2000 characters or less in the Comments section at the bottom of the page.

3.3  Completing the Review

Upon selecting I have no Conflict of Interest in reviewing the Presubmission and clicking Save and Continue, PAMS will navigate to the Presubmission Review – Instructions to Reviewers page, which provides links to the Preproposal/LOI and Solicitation PDFs and Instructions to Reviewers. (Figure 9)

The Preproposal/LOI PDF will be available on the following page, as well.

1. Review the Instructions to Reviewers and click Continue in the bottom right corner.

2. PAMS will navigate to the Presubmission Review – Update Review page, which provides links to the Preproposal/LOI and Solicitation PDFs, information about the Presubmission, and the Criteria.  Enter review comments and provide a score if required. Once you have finished, click Save or Save and Continue in the bottom right corner. (Figure 10)

Figure 10. Presubmission Review – Update Review

3. PAMS will navigate to the Presubmission Review – Review Summary page and display a warning indicating that clicking Confirm will submit the Review to DOE and you will no longer be able to modify your Review. Review Your comments and scores and click Confirm to submit your Review or Back to continue working on the Review. (Figure 11)

Figure 11. Presubmission Review – Review Summary

4. PAMS will return to the Presubmission Review page and display a green success message confirming that you have submitted the Review successfully. (Figure 12)

Figure 12. Presubmission Review, Success

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