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1 Navigation

Navigating PAMS may be easier if you understand the layout of the pages.  The following provide brief descriptions of some of the features of the PAMS Homepage and a grid page in PAMS.

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Getting Familiar with the PAMS User Interface

As with many other web-based systems, your primary input tools are your keyboard and mouse.  Additionally, most PAMS pages support keyboard navigation.  You can use a combination of the Tab key to transfer focus (or the cursor) to the next data entry field or link, and Enter to invoke a link.  Shift + Tab moves through fields and links in reverse order.


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Click on your username to view or edit your profile or to change your password.



Use the Logout to exit PAMS.


You will have to provide your credentials again to login to PAMS the next time.


  Not logging out may cause issues the next time you to attempt to log in and require Helpdesk assistance.





will navigate you back to

a dashboard

the main home page, where you can

see how many tasks you have and statistics on your recently accessed files.

click to view various tasks or actions.




There are

The tabs at the top of most PAMS pages can be used to navigate to your desired resource.

·        The Tasks Tab will display the Pending Tasks page, where you can access and complete any pending tasks.

·        The Proposals Tab gives you various options of what actions you can take or submissions you can view.  You may view current and past solicitations and submit to open solicitations and Lab announcements.  You can also View Letter of Intent, Preproposal, and proposal submissions or access proposals submitted through

·        The Awards Tab will display a list of awards you are associated with or you can add awards to your portfolio by requesting access.

·        The Institutions Tab shows you all institutions you are registered to and allows you register to another institution if that is required.


Left Menu

The left menu is provided to give you other actions or items you may view within PAMS.  For Example, from the My Proposals page you navigate to the My Letters of Intent Page, My Preproposals, and Access Previously Submitted Proposals. 


Common Actions

The Common Actions assist you in finding the correct action you may want to take in PAMS based on why you are accessing the system.  Actions are provided For Applicant, For Awardees, For Reviewers, For All Users.


For Applicants

From the For Applicants section of the PAMS home page you can:

·        View My Letters of Intent

·        View My Preproposals

·        View My Proposals

·        Submit Revised Budget*

·        View/Respond to Solicitations*

·        Submit Public Abstract*

·        Submit Renewal Proposals Products*

*Clicking the link will take you to a task list page, however, you may not have a current task to complete.


For Awardees

From the For Awardees section of the PAMS Home page you can:

·        Submit Progress Report*

·        Submit Commercialization*

·        View My Awards

*Clicking the link will take you to a task list page, however, you may not have a current task to complete.


For Reviewers

From the For Reviewers section of the PAMS Home page you can:

·        Review Proposal(s)*

*Clicking the link will take you to a task list page, however, you may not have a current task to complete.


For All Users

From the For All Users section of the PAMS Home page you can:

·        Input Registration Code – if you received an email with a registration code

·        Register to Another Institution

·        View/Update Profile

·        User Guide

*Clicking the link will take you to a task list page, however, you may not have a current task to complete.

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The breadcrumb will display the navigation path you followed to access the page you are currently viewing.  You may click the links in the breadcrumb to return to a previous page.


Page Title

The page title is a descriptive title for the page you are accessing.


Page Instructions

Most PAMS pages have instructions providing on what you can do on the page.  Click “view more” if the full instructions content is not viewable.


Grid Page Navigation

The general page display on most PAMS list pages is 15 items, you can use the page navigation to click between pages.  You can also increase the number of items per page from 15 to 20, 50, or 100.


Detailed or Summary View

Most list pages will provide a summary view, providing basic information for the data being displayed.  By clicking Detailed View you can get more details concerning each item in the list page.  This is a toggle, when in detailed view you would click Summary View to return to the more simplistic view.



By clicking search you will be able to narrow the items you have displayed by using the pages search criteria.


Save Parameters

You can save any searches by using the save parameters.


Context Menu

The Options column will display the Actions/Views menu.  Click this link to see which actions you can take or what items you can view.


Floating Toolbar

The floating toolbar contains featured functions for that page.  They include, but are not limited to Save, Export to Excel, PAMS Help

help you navigate through different modules in the system. The tabs shown here are — Home, Tasks, Proposals, Awards and Institution.  

The blue tab bar, DOE PAMS banner above it, and green menu bar at the very top right of the screen can be hidden temporarily by clicking on the double-arrows button  at the far right end of the blue tab bar.  To make the blue tab bar, DOE PAMS banner, and green menu bar appear once again, click on the double-arrows button  at the top right of the screen.


Left Menu

Within each module, the main menu is often found at the left-hand side of the screen.  The main menu can be hidden by clicking on the double arrow at the top left corner of the menu.

To make the left menu appear once again, click the double-arrows button  at the top left of the screen.



A table, or grid, is employed when multiple records must be displayed. 

The left-most column may have arrows to indicate the rows are expandable.  Click an arrow to expand a row and view detailed information about the record.  You can also click the Detailed View link above the grid to expand all rows.

The rows may be filtered by entering data in any one of the textbox fields immediately below the grid’s column headings, and clicking the filter icon next to it.

Most grids also have a Search feature.  The search pane is accessed by clicking the Search link above the grid.

The Page Size fields allow you to adjust the height of the grid by indicating the greatest number of [collapsed] rows that may appear on a page.  Arrow buttons next to the page number allow you to page through when there are multiple pages. 


Context Menu

The right-most column in a grid is the Options column.  Available options may vary from record to record.  An arrow in the Options column indicates there are more options to select from.  This list of options is often referred to as the context menu. 


Breadcrumb Navigation

Each page in PAMS shall display the navigation path you followed to reach the current screen. If the navigation path is too long, it is summarized by the application. Hover over the  icon to view the summarized path details.


Floating Toolbar

PAMS has a floating toolbar at the bottom of the screen that allows for easy access of key functions.  Options in the floating toolbar often include [View] Messages, [View] Favorites, [View] Recently Accessed, Print, and Create a Shortcut.  Important page buttons may appear in the floating toolbar as well
