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1   Introduction

The Portfolio Analysis and Management System (PAMS) allows Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Science (SC) applicants and awardees to access and manage their submissions Submissions and awards Awards in a single system. To create or access PAMS or submissions Submissions (Letters of Intent (LOIs), Pre-ProposalsPreproposals, or Proposals) or to access or request modifications to award Award information, a user must have an external user account.  

As a PAMS user, you should never have multiple PAMS accounts, and you should never share your username or password with other users or allow them to access your account.

The purpose of this document is to provide step-by-step instructions for users to follow to create and update an external PAMS account.


2   Prerequisites

Before a user can create an external PAMS account, the following criteria must be met:

3   Creating an External Account

Use the following steps to create an external PAMS account.

3.1   Creating an External Account Without a Registration Code

Use the following steps to create an external PAMS account without a registration code.

1. Navigate to the PAMS external homepage at:


If you received an email inviting you to register to PAMS, skip to section 3.2 Creating an External Account With a Registration Code and follow the instructions in the invitation email.


5. Upon clicking Create an Account, PAMS will navigate the user to the “Create Account” page. (Figure 4)

Refer to the table below for guidance on completing the required fields. (Figure 4)

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Figure 4. Create Account




First Name

Enter your first name.

Last Name

Enter your last name.


Enter the username you wish to use. (Do not use spaced spaces when creating your username)


Enter a password.  Passwords must be at least eight characters in length and contain the following:

·          At least one lowercase letter (a-z)

·          At least one uppercase letter (A-Z)

·          At least one number (0-9)

·          At least one of these five special characters: ~ ! @ # *

Your new password cannot be identical to any of your previous 6 passwords.
Passwords expire every 120 days. The system will prompt you to change your expired password when you log in.
Since this password change is prompted by the system, there will be no email notification with the new password.

Retype Password

Retype your password.

Security Question

Select a security question. Should you forget your password at any time, this security question will allow you to obtain a new password.

Security Answer

Provide an answer for the security question.


Enter an email address. This email address must be a unique email and you will not be able to create an account if the email is associated to another PAMS account.


7. PAMS will load the Create Account page, which displays the following sections: Personal InformationInformation, Demographic Information, Contact Information Mailing Address, Physical Address, Degree Information

you provided on the previous page will be populated. Refer to the table tables below for guidance on completing the remaining required fields in each section.

3.1.1   Personal Information

PAMS will prepopulate the Personal Information section with the information you provided on the previous page. (Figure 5)

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Figure 5. Create Account – Personal Information

8. Enter your Email Address(es) and identify the Preferred email, see the table on required fields for more information). (Figure 6)

9. Enter your Phone Number and identify the Preferred Phone number, see the table on required fields for more information). (Figure 6)

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3.2.1   Demographic Information

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Figure 6. Create Account – Contact Information

10. Enter your Mailing Address, designate if it is the Address, PO Box Only, or Rural Route. (Figure 7)

11. Enter your City, State, and Zip Code. (Figure 7)

, Demographics Information

Required Fields



Select "Male", "Female", or "Do Not Wish to Provide" to designate your Gender.


Select "Hispanic or Latino", "Not Hispanic or Latino", or "Do Not Wish to Provide" to designate your Ethnicity.


Select all that apply to designate your Race:

  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Asian
  • Black or African American
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
  • White
  • Do Not Wish to Provide

NOTE: You cannot select "Do Not Wish to Provide" with any other selection within the Race selection box.


Select "U.S. Citizen", "Permanent Resident", "Other Non-US Citizen", or "Do Not Wish to Provide" to designate your Citizenship.


Select all that apply to designate any Disability:

  • Hearing Impairment
  • Visual Impairment
  • Mobility/Orthopedic Impairment
  • Other (NOTE: You must enter a disability if Other is selected)
  • None
  • Do Not Wish to Provide

NOTE: You cannot select "None" or "Do Not Wish to Provide" with any other selection within the Disability selection box.

3.1.3   Contact Information

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Figure 7. Create Account – Mailing AddressRequired FieldsContact Information

Email Address

Enter an email address. You may enter up to two (2) additional email addresses. (Figure 6)

NOTE: You must select a preferred email address by selecting the “Preferred” "Preferred" radio button next to the appropriate email address.

Phone Number

Enter a phone number by selecting one of the following options from the Select Type dropdown (Work, Cell, Work 2, Other) and entering the phone number in the subsequent text fields. (Figure 6) You can add up to three (3) domestic phone numbers and one (1) international phone number. International phone numbers must be entered in the fourth “Phone Number” int he fourth "Phone Number" field.

NOTE: You must select a preferred phone number by selecting the “Preferred” "Preferred" radio button next to the appropriate phone number.

3.1.4   Mailing Address

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Figure 8. Create Account – Mailing Address

Required Fields



Mailing Address (Required)

Enter a mailing address. (Figure 78) To do so, click the radio button to select one of the following:

·         Address

·         PO Box Only

·         Rural Route

To enter an Address:

·         In the Street Number field, enter the number of the street only.

·         Enter the Street Name only, not the number.

·         If applicable, in the Select One dropdown, select one of the following options: APT, BSMT, BLDG, DEPT, FL, FRNT, HNGR, KEY, LBBY, LOT, LOWR, OFC, #, PH, PIER, REAR, RM, SIDE, SLIP, SPC, STOP, STE, TRLR, UNIT, or UPPR.:

·         Enter the Number which corresponds to the item you selected in the dropdown, if applicable. For example, APT 3, BLDG 5A, etc.

To enter a PO Box Only:

·         Enter the Box Number if you selected PO Box.

To enter a Rural Route:

·         In the Select One dropdown, select one the following options: Rural Route, Highway Contract Route, US Route, State Route, or Road.

·         Enter the route number, in the Number Field.

·         If applicable, enter the box number in the Box field.


Enter the city in which the address is located. (Figure 78)

NOTE: This field is only required if the “Zip Code” field is left blank.


Use the State dropdown to select the state in which the address is located. (Figure 78)

NOTE: This field is only required if the “City” field is completed.

Zip Code

Enter the zip code in which the address is located. If necessary, use the Lookup link to help determine the appropriate zip code of the address. (Figure 78)

NOTE: This field is only required if the “City” field is not completed.

3.1.5   Physical Address

Figure 89. Create Account – Physical Address

12. The last section on the Create Account page is for a Physical Address, this is optional. However, if you begin entering information in this sections some fields may be required. You also have the option to enter a Physical International Address in this section as well.

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The Physical Address section is optional; however, if you choose to enter information in this section, some fields will become required. Refer to section 3.1.4 Mailing Address for guidance on completing the fields.

3.1.6   Degree Information

Figure 10. Create Account - Degree Information

1. Choose the appropriate radio button from the options provided. (Figure 10)

2. Click the Add Degree button above the grid. PAMS will reload the page with editable fields in the grid.

3. Click the Degree dropdown and select the appropriate degree type. If the degree you wish to add is not listed in the dropdown, you may specify another type in the (If other, please specify) field below the dropdown.

4. Enter the field of study for the degree in the Field of Study field.

5. Enter the year in which the degree was awarded in the Award Year field.

6. Enter the institution at which the degree was completed in the Institution field.

7. When you are ready to add the degree, click Add. PAMS will reload the page with the degree listed in the grid.

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Figure 11. Create Account - Degree information, Designate as Terminal Degree

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Upon saving a degree, PAMS will add a Terminal Degree column to the table. By default, this column is set to "No" for each newly added degree. To designate a degree as a Terminal Degree, click Designate as Terminal Degree in the Actions menu in the options column. (Figure 11) You may only have one terminal degree.

3.1.7   Completing Account Creation

113. Once you have completed the required fields, click Create Account in the bottom right corner of the page. (Figure 710)

142. PAMS will navigate you to the Agreement page. Review the Notice to Users, Privacy Notice, and Rules of Behavior carefully. If you agree, click Accept in the bottom right corner of the page to proceed. If you disagree, click Decline in the bottom left corner of the page. You will not be able to Log into PAMS until you have signed the User Agreement. (Figure 912)

Figure 912. Agreement

153. Upon accepting the User Agreement you will be navigated back to the Login page where you can enter your new created Username and Password and click Login to proceed into PAMS. (Figure 10)

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, PAMS will navigate to the Register to Institution page, where you will be prompted to register to an institution in PAMS. For guidance on registering to an institution, refer to Register to an Institution. (Figure 11)

3.2   Creating an External Account With a Registration Code

In some cases, an existing PAMS user may assign an unregistered user to a Proposal or Presubmission in PAMS. PAMS will send an email to the unregistered user notifying them that they have been assigned to a resource in PAMS and provide a login link and registration code to create an account.

Use the following steps to create an external PAMS account with a registration code.

1. Click the I do not have a PAMS account link in the email. (Figure 13)

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Figure 13. DOE Request to Update Your PAMS User Profile, Registration Code

2. The link will navigate you to the Verify Registration Code page in PAMS. Enter the registration code located below the I do not have a PAMS account link in the email, and click Verify in the bottom right corner of the page. (Figure 14)

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Figure 14. Verify Registration Code

3. PAMS will navigate to the Create Account page. For guidance on creating an account, refer to section 3.1 Creating an External Account Without a Registration Code, steps 5-14.

4. Upon clicking Accept in the bottom right corner of the Agreement page, PAMS will navigate you to the PAMS homepage. (Figure 15)

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Figure 15. PAMS Homepage

4   Updating a User Profile

Once you have created an account, you can update your profile at any time. Use the following steps to update your user profile.

1. From any page in PAMS, click View/Update Profile in the context menu under your username in the top right corner of the screen. (Figure 16)

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Figure 16. PAMS Homepage, View/Update Profile

2. PAMS will navigate to the View/Update Profile page, which consists of three tabs: Profile Information, Background Information, Resume/CV

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Figure 17. View/Update Profile page

Refer to the tables below for guidance on completing the required fields in each section.

4.1   Profile Information

For guidance on completing the fields in the Profile Information section, refer to the following sections above:

  • 1.1 Personal Information
  • 1.2 Demographic Information
  • 1.3 Contact Information
  • 1.4 Mailing Address
  • 1.5 Physical Address
  • 1.6 Degree Information

1. Once you have made any necessary updates, select Save and Continue in the Choose Action dropdown in the bottom right corner of the page, and click Go.

4.2   Background Information

The Background Information tab contains information on your specialties. Use the following steps to edit your background information. (Figure 18)

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Figure 18. View/Update Profile, Background Information

1. Use the multi-select Specialties box to select one or more specialties.

2. Enter any keywords you would like associated with you in PAMS in the Keywords field.

3. Once you have made any necessary updates, select Save and Continue in the Choose Action dropdown in the bottom right corner of the page, and click Go.

4.3   Resume/CV

The Resume/CV tab contains your resume/CV. Use the following steps to manage your resume or CV.

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Figure 19. View/Update Profile, Resume/CV – Attach File

1. Click the Attach File button in the Resume/CV section header to expand the section and attach a resume or CV. (Figure 19) If there is already a file attached, click the Update Description context menu and choose Update Description to update the file description or Delete to delete the existing file and attach a new one. (Figure 20)

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Figure 20. View/Update Profile, Resume/CV – Update Description

2. Once you have made any necessary updates, select Save and Return Home in the Choose Action dropdown in the bottom right corner of the page, and click Go. PAMS will return to the PAMS Homepage.Figure 10. PAMS Login Page