PAMS gives users the opportunity submit and manage proposals and awards processed by the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science (SC) in a centralized location. Before a user can submit or access proposal and award data in PAMS, the user must be registered to an institutionInstitution.
The purpose of this document is to provide step-by-step instructions for users to follow to register to an institution Institution in PAMS.
2 Prerequisites
Before a user with an existing PAMS account can register to an institutionInstitution, the following criterion must be met:
Use the following steps to register to an institution Institution in PAMS.
1. Log in to your external PAMS account at (Figure 1): https://pamspublic.science.energy.gov/webpamsepsexternal/login.aspx
Figure 1. PAMS External Login
2. Select the Institutions tab. (Figure 2).
Figure 2. SRO/BO/AO Homepage – Institutions
3. PAMS will load the “Register to Institution” page. Select Option 2: I know my institution and I am here to register to the institution. (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Register to Institution, Option 2
1 Registering as a PI or Other
Use the following steps to register to an Institution as a PI (Principal Investigator) or Other (Point of Contact).
Figure 4. Register to Institution – Institution Name, Choose Role, Search
Refer to the table below to complete the required fields.
Element | Description |
Institution Name like | Enter the name of the institution Institution to which you would like to register. |
Choose Role | Select one of the following radio buttons: · PI (Principal Investigator) · Other (Point of Contact) |
2. PAMS will reload the page and display a list of search results. Browse the list or use the advanced search above the grid to find the Institution to which you would like to register in PAMS. Once you have found the institutionInstitution, select select Add me to this institution from the Actions menu in the Options column for that Institution. (Figure 5)
Figure 5. Register to Institution – Add me to this institution
3. PAMS will navigate to the Identify Institution Affiliation page, which will display your Primary Institution affiliation and the Institution to which you are registering. Use the radio buttons in the grid to determine your affiliation with the Institution to which you are registering. When you are finished, click Save and Continue in the bottom right corner. (Figure 6)
Figure 6. Identify Institution Affiliation
4. PAMS will return to the Institutions – List page and display a green success message confirming that you have registered to the Institution successfully. (Figure 7)
Figure 7. Institutions – List, Success
2 Registering as an SRO/BO/AO
Use the following steps to register to an Institution as an SRO/BO/AO. (Figure 4)
Refer to the table below to complete the required fields.
Required Fields
Element | Description |
Institution Name like | Enter the name of the |
Institution to which you would like to register. | |
Choose Role | Select the following radio buttons: · SRO/BO/AO (Sponsored Research Officer/Business Officer/Administrative Officer) |
1. Click Search in the bottom left corner of the screen to execute your search. (Figure 4)
2. PAMS will reload the page and display a list of search results. Browse the list or use the advanced search above the grid to find the Institution to which you would like to register in PAMS. Once you have found the Institution, select Add me to this institution from the Actions menu in the Options column. (Figure 5)
3. PAMS will navigate to the Register to Institution page and display a green success message confirming that you have registered to the Institution as an SRO/BO/AO. If you selected SRO/BO/AO and the institution Institution does not presently have a primary administrator identified, PAMS will ask you if you are the primary administrator for the institution Institution and whether you would like access to manage the institution Institution in PAMS. (Figure 8)
a. If you are the primary administrator, select “Yes. Please grant me the primary administrator privileges for this institution”.
b. If you are not the primary administrator for the institutionInstitution, select “No. I want to send an invitation to the appropriate administrator to register with PAMS.” or “No.”
Figure 8. Register Register to Institution – Success, Yes. Please grant me the primary administrator privileges for this institution
4. Once you have made a selection, click Continue in the bottom right corner of the page. (Figure 8).
5. PAMS will prompt you to confirm your role as the primary administrator again. Select “I am the designated primary administrator to manage this institution in PAMS. I certify that all the information provided by me on this form is true and correct.” and click Save and Continue in the bottom right corner of the page. (Figure 9)
Figure 9. Register to Institution – I am the designed primary administrator manage this institution in PAMS. I certify that all the information provided by me on this form is true and correct.
6. Refer to section 3.1 Registering as a PI or Other steps 3-4 for guidance on completing your institutional affiliation.
Create Institution
If the institution Institution to which you would like to register does not exist in PAMS, you will need to create the Institution. Use the following steps to create an Institution in PAMS.
Figure 14. Create Institution, Affiliation Status of New Institution
Required Fields
Element | Description |
Institution Name | Enter the name of the Institution. |
Institution Type | Click the dropdown and select an Institution type. |
Mailing Address |
Physical Location Address |
Domestic Address
International Address
Institution Affiliation | Select the appropriate radio button:
3. Once you have completed the required fields, click Create Institution in the bottom right corner. (Figure 14)
Figure 15. Institutions – List, Success4
4 Identify Institution Affiliation
Use the following steps to add an institutional affiliation at any time.