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Manage Submissions - Overview

Submissions in PAMS include the following:

  • Proposals
  • Preproposals
  • Letters of Intent

You can use PAMS to manage submissions. You can:

  • Create/Edit/Delete/Submit Submissions
  • View Submissions created by other users of the institution (provided you have access to the same)

How do I respond to a solicitation?

Response to a solicitation could be in through either a preapplication or through a formal proposal. The flow below summarizes the process to respond to a solicitation:

How do I Search Solicitations?

The first step in managing submissions is to identify the solicitation. Once the solicitation is identified you can respond to the solicitation by creating and submitting the appropriate submission as requested by the solicitation. 

I am not logged in to PAMS

  1. On the login page of PAMS, click on the Search Solicitations link. The link is located in the blue bar on the top of the page and also under the New Registrations on far right of the page.
  2. Choose the solicitation list. You can view the Funding Opportunity Announcements by clicking on the View a list of Funding Opportunity Announcements link or you can view Lab Announcements by clicking on the View  a list of DOE National Laboratory Announcements.

I am logged in to PAMS

  1. On the home page of PAMS click on the Search Solicitations link in the Getting Started section.
  2. Choose the solicitation list. You can view the Funding Opportunity Announcements by clicking on the View a list of Funding Opportunity Announcements link or you can view Lab Announcements by clicking on the View  a list of DOE National Laboratory Announcements.

Create Submission

Once you have identified the solicitation, you can create a submission to respond to the solicitation. The figure below identifies rules for a solicitation when you can create and respond to a submission:


Create and Submit a Preproposal

Follow the steps mentioned below to create and submit a preproposal:

  1. Click on the Actions/Views link and then click on Submit Preproposal link.
  2. Provide the required information on the Submit Preproposal. To choose a PI click on the Select PI button.
  3. Search for the PI using the search criteria. Click on the Action link against the PI record and then click on Select PI. If the PI is not registered to the institution in PAMS click on Invite PI button.
  4. Click on Save and Continue and then Go button if you want to save the preproposal and navigate you to the My Preproposals page.
  5. Click on Submit to DOE and then Go button if you want to submit the preproposal to the DOE.

Create and Submit a Letter of Intent

Follow the steps mentioned below to create and submit a letter of intent:

  1. Click on the Actions/Views link and then click on Submit Letter of Intent link.
  2. Provide the required information on the Submit Letter of Intent. To choose a PI click on the Select PI button.
  3. Search for the PI using the search criteria. Click on the Action link against the PI record and then click on Select PI. If the PI is not registered to the institution in PAMS click on Invite PI button.
  4. Click on Save and Continue and then Go button if you want to save the letter of intent and navigate you to the My Letters of Intent page.
  5. Click on Submit to DOE and then Go button if you want to submit the letter of intent to the DOE.

Reopen and Resubmit Preproposal or Letter of Intent

You can reopen a submitted preproposal or letter of intent, modify it and resubmit the same before the due date of the submission. Follow the steps mentioned below to reopen the preproposal/letter of intent:

  1. Click on the Proposals tab. Click on View My Letters of Intent or View My Preproposals link to navigate to the list of Preproposals or Letters of Intent.
  2. From the My Letters of Intent or My Preproposals click on Actions link and then click on Reopen Preproposal or Reopen Letter of Intent link.

At this point of time you have reopened the preproposal/letter of intent. You can modify the preproposal/ letter of intent and resubmit the same. Please note once you reopen the preproposal/letter of intent it will no longer be considered by DOE until you resubmit the preproposal/letter of intent. Once the due date has passed you will not be able to submit the preproposal/letter of intent.

Create and Submit a Proposal

You can submit a proposal in PAMS only in response to DOE National Laboratory Announcements only. For Funding Opportunity Announcements, proposal responses must be submitted through only. Follow the steps mentioned below to create and submit a proposal:

  1. Click on the Actions/Views link and then click on Submit Proposal link.
  2. Provide the required input information on the Cover Page, choose Save and Continue and click on Go to start updating the Budget page.
  3. On the budget page, provide the necessary information for each year. Complete each section by clicking on the  icon against each section. Choose Save and Continue and click on Go to continue and upload any additional attachments.
  4. On Attachments tab upload any necessary attachments. Choose Save and Continue and click Go to save the proposal in My Proposals. Choose Submit to DOE and click Go to submit the proposal to DOE.

 I have received an Invitation from DOE to submit a proposal in response to a Lab Solicitations



  1. DOE could send invitations to National Labs and Inter-agencies to submit Proposals to DOE.
  2. Recipients of this invitation will need to be Registered to the institution mentioned in the invitation, in PAMS, in order to submit the proposal.
  3. These invitations will be sent out in the form of emails. The email will contain a link that will take you to a proposal page similar to the Lab Proposal we discussed in the previous section.
  4. Users will be able to use this link and submit the proposal. The proposal will get saved in ‘My Proposals’ page once it is created.
  5. Refer to Unit 5-B for detailed instructions on how to submit a Proposal in PAMS.

I want to view submissions from my institutions:

Follow the steps mentioned below to view any submissions associated with the institution:

  1. Click on the Proposals tab
  2. Click on View My Preproposals, View My Letters of Intent or View My Proposals to see the list of submissions
  3. Click on Actions and then click on View link to view the submission

I want to manage peer access for a submission

Peer access can be managed for submissions created by or for submissions to which you have been assigned “Manage Peer Access” privilege. Follow the steps mentioned below to manage peer access for a submission:

  1. Click on the Proposals tab after logging in to PAMS. Click on appropriate View Submissions link on the proposals tab.
  2. This will navigate you to the My Preproposals or My Letters of Intent or My Proposals page. Choose a submission record, click on Action link and then click on Manage Peer Access link.
  3. You will now be navigated to the Manage Peer Access- User List page.
  4. Click on the Add New Person link to add a new user from the institution to the submission. You will be navigated to the Manage Peer Access – Add User page.
  5. Choose a user record, click on Action link and then click on Add User.
  6. On the Manage Peer Access – User screen choose the privileges to be assigned to the user and click on Save and Continue button.
  7. You will be navigated to the View Users – List page. On the screen you will see a success message and the new user added will be displayed in the grid on the screen.
  8. In order to manage peer access, click on the Action  link and then click on the Manage Peer Access link.
  9. On the Manage Peer Access – User screen, update the privileges assigned to the user and click on Save and Continue.
  10. You will be navigated to the Manage Peer Access – User List screen with a success message displayed on top of the screen.
    1. Note: For submissions with status ‘Submitted to DOE’ the on privileges that can be managed are View and Manage Peer Access. For In Progress submissions, the following privileges can be managed :

      -          View

      -          Edit

      -          Delete

      -          Submit to DOE

      -          Manage Peer Access

      With the exception of Manage Peer Access privilege, any user can manage submission level privileges for him/her.
    2. Note: Any users with edit, delete, submit to DOE or manage peer access privilege will by default be assigned the view privilege. If you are the creator of the submission you will be assigned all submission level privileges for the submission by default.


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