1     Introduction

When a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) or a National Lab Announcement is created, the solicitation owner may choose to have applicants submit an optional Letter of Intent (LOI). The purpose of an LOI is to summarize the proposed project or research efforts to determine responsiveness to the solicitation.

Although not a structured process, the Project Manager (PM) in PAMS may choose to evaluate these LOIs and record an outcome based on their evaluation.

The purpose of this document is to provide step-by-step instructions for users to follow to record an outcome on an Optional LOI in PAMS.

2     Prerequisites

Before you can record an outcome on an Optional LOI in PAMS, the following criteria must be met:

  • The user is registered in PAMS as a PM.
  • The user is the PM assigned to the Solicitation.
  • An Institution has submitted an Optional LOI to the Solicitation.

3     Recording an Outcome on an Optional Letter of Intent

Use the following steps to locate and record an outcome on an Optional LOI.

1. Log in to the PAMS internal website at: https://pams.science.energy.gov/

2. Navigate to the Activities tab. (Figure 1)

Figure 1. PAMS Homepage

3. Click My Letters of Intent in the Portfolio section in the left navigation menu. (Figure 2)

Figure 2. Activities, My Letters of Intent

4. PAMS will navigate to the My Letters of Intent (LOI) – List page, which displays all LOIs currently assigned to you in PAMS. Browse the list or use the filters or advanced search above the grid to find the LOI on which you would like to record an outcome. Once you have found the LOI, click the Actions/Views context menu in the Options column and select Record Outcome. (Figure 3)

Figure 3. My Letters of Intent (LOI) – List, Record Outcome

5. PAMS will navigate to the Optional Letter of Intent – Record Outcome page, which displays all the information about the LOI. Select the “Encourage”, “Discourage”, or “No Response” radio button to record an outcome. (Figure 4)

Figure 4. Optional Letter of Intent – Record Outcome

6. Provide a justification in the PM Justification field.

Comments entered in the PM Justification field will be viewable by internal PAMS users only. To provide comments to the applicant, enter your comments in the PM Comments to Applicant field.

7. When you are finished, click Save and Submit in the bottom right corner of the page.

8. PAMS will return to the My Letters of Intent (LOI) – List page and display a green success message confirming that the decision has been recorded successfully. (Figure 5)

Figure 5. My Letters of Intent (LOI) – List, Success

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