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How Do I Submit a Public Abstract

After a Program Manager (PM) recommends a proposal for funding, the PI is asked to submit a Public Abstract. The Public Abstract provides a technical summary of the research that will be funded and is intended for reading by the general public.

Remember that you have already submitted a Proposal Abstract in your application package. For submittal of the Public Abstract, you may want to copy-and-paste and/or edit the Proposal Abstract for resubmittal.

  1. From the PAMS home page, click the Tasks tab to go to the Pending Tasks – List page.
  2. For the Submit Public Abstract task you want to work on, click the Submit Abstract Iink in the Options column. You can use the Search link at the top of the page to enter criteria and perform a search.

Figure 1. Pending Tasks List: Submit Public Abstract

  1. On the Edit Public Abstract page:
  2. Click the Instructions link for help with writing your abstract.
  3. Enter your text in the Public Abstract field.
  4. Click the View Proposal Abstract link, at any time, to review and/or copy and paste from what you wrote when you submitted the proposal.

Figure 2. Edit Public Abstract Page

  1. Click one the following buttons before leaving this page:
  • Cancel stops any changes you have made to the Public Abstract.
  • Save retains the public abstract in its current form; a Success message confirms that the abstract was saved.
  • Submit sends the public abstract for review; a Success message confirms submittal.

    If the PM completes and submits the Public Abstract on behalf of the PI, this task will be removed from the PI's queue. An email will be sent to the PI that the task has been cancelled.

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