The Project/Performance Site Location(s) webform is where the applicant will enter the address of the location where the project research and development or other work will be performed.  The webform does allow for multiple locations to be added to accommodate applicants whose projects involve multiple sites of work or research.   

Generally, the Primary Location should be that of the applicant organization or identified as off-site in accordance with the conditions of the applicant organization’s negotiated Facilities and Administrative (F&A) agreement.  This information must agree with the F&A information on the Checklist Form Page of the application.  If there is more than one performance site, including any Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) facilities and foreign sites, list them in the fields provided for “Location 1” by clicking the “add location” button.   

For SBIR/STTR applications, one of the performance sites indicated must be that of the applicant small business concern. 

For Phase I, the research or R&D project activity must be performed in the United States.  However, based on a rare and unique circumstance, for example, if a supply or material or the study design is not available in the United States, DOE may allow that particular portion of the research or R&D work to be performed or obtained in a foreign country.  Principal Investigators must thoroughly justify the use of these sites in the application.  These rare and unique situations will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and they should be discussed with the DOE SBIR/STTR staff prior to submission of the application.  Approval by DOE for such specific condition(s) must be in writing prior to issuance of an award and must be facilitated by the DOE SBIR/STTR program staff.  Wherever possible, non-SBIR/STTR funds should be used for other work outside of the United States that is necessary to the overall completion of the project.   

The research and analytical work performed by the grantee organization should be conducted in research space occupied by, available to, and under the control of the SBIR/STTR grantee for the conduct of its portion of the proposed project.  However, when required by the project activity, access to special facilities or equipment in another organization is permitted, as in cases where the SBIR/STTR awardee has entered into a sub-contractual agreement with another institution for a specific, limited portion of the research project. 

Whenever a proposed SBIR/STTR project is to be conducted in facilities other than those of the applicant organization, the awarding component may request that the small business concern provide a letter from the organization stating that the leasing/rental arrangements have been negotiated for appropriate research space.  This letter must be signed by an authorized official of the organization whose facilities are to be used for the SBIR/STTR project and must certify that the small business concern (grantee organization) will have access to and control over the research space.  In addition, the letter must include a description of the facilities and, if appropriate, equipment that will be leased/rented to the grantee organization.   

Project/Performance Site Location From Instructions Shortcut


Helpful Tips: 

  • If you are going to rent/lease space to conduct project research or development, work with that organization early to ensure that you have the required letter and agreement in place before the submission deadline.  

Blank & Sample Forms: 

  • A blank Project/Performance Site Locations form → Click Here
  • A sample filled Project/Performance Site Locations form:

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