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The chart below is meant to provide a guideline for the completion of the many steps involved in an SBIR/STTR grant application. This planner begins with the release of the FOA. Certain steps will take much longer than others, while others will require more leg work to complete such as gathering required documentation from collaborating partners and securing biosketches from key personnel who may not be employed by the applicant organization. Further, it is essential that applicants allow themselves as much time as possible to work on the Project Narrative and provide an application that is responsive to the FOA.
This schedule was developed with small business organizations in mind that have limited staff and are relatively new to the SBIR/STTR grant application process. We recognized that experienced grant writers or companies with larger staffs, and personnel dedicated to specific areas, may approach this process differently. In addition to the actions listed below, applicants should also review the DOE Funding Opportunities website and plan to attend upcoming webinars associated with the FOA.
8 week schedule - starts when Funding Opportunity Released |
1 (8/7)3 8/21 | 4 (8/28)10 (10/9)Select Download FOA |
Decide SBIR/STTR/Both | SBIR, STTR, or Both | If STTR, reach out to Research Institution (RI) |
Contact Topic Author |
Send emailContact Topic Author | Follow |
- up (if necessary) |
Locate Service Providers |
SBDC, PTAC, Phase 0SAM RegistrationSBA
Prepare Project Narrative |
Write part | Get feedback | Write more | Get feedback | Write more | Get Feedback | Tweak & add markings
| Gather & Adjudicate Feedback on Outline | Complete Draft of First Half* | Gather & Adjudicate Feedback on First Half | Complete Draft of Second Half** | Gather & Adjudicate Feedback on Second Half | Add Proprietary Markings | Finalize |
Letter of Intent (LOI) |
| Write Draft LOI |
Get Gather & Adjudicate Feedback | Submit LOI |
Principal Investigator (PI) role |
Role? | Confirm who | Budget | Think about | Start preparing | Keep working | Get Feedback | Finalize |
| Determine Possible PI's | Define and document PI's role on the project | Confirm final PI | Author PI Biosketch, and Current/Pending Support List (C/PSL) |
Budget |
| Determine Project Scope | Create Budget Estimate | Detailed Budget Assembly | Gather & Adjudicate Feedback (if necessary) |
Budget Justification | Staffing $ | Facilities $ | Get Feedback | Finalize |
Employees, subs, consultants |
Discuss | Confirm | Required Forms (RI, subs) | Distribute | Follow-up | Secure | NEW ITEM: PIER PLAN | Think about | Reach out | Prepare |
| Estimate Staffing Needs | Build Staff Breakdown (Employee/Sub/1099) | Gather & Adjudicate Feedback (if necessary) | Confirm |
Commercialization Plan |
| Review Examples and Create outline | Create First Draft | Gather & Adjudicate Feedback (if necessary) |
Commercialization Plan | Review Example | Draft | Get Feedback | Finalize |
Letters of Support |
Think about | Reach out | Follow up |
| Create a list of possible references | Contact References & Provide Guidance | Follow Up & Finalize Letters of Support | Finalize Letters of Support |
SecureDownload forms & start completing | Get feedback as needed |
| Log-In & Begin Completing Forms | Complete Forms as Required by your FOA | Finalize Forms as Required by your FOA |
| Author Abstract |
Biosketches |
Format& Current / Pending Support List (C/PSL) |
| Identify Personnel | Request Biosketches from all |
ProofPersonnel | Review, provide feedback, and ask for updates | Finalize all Biosketches and (C/PSL) |
Full Application due |
| Submit early? | Application due - Monday |
Have questions about FOA? | Reach out to DOE Help Desk as needed; as well as help for and PAMS |
Week | Activities - 8 Week CalendarAccelerated Calendar |
1 | FOA Released - Locate appropriate FOA in, download, and review for application requirements & specifics
- Determine type of application: SBIR, STTR, or Both
- Download & review topics/subtopics document
- Determine potential topic/subtopic pair
- .
- Research issuing office - review mission, needs, research, programs.
- Assess ability to successfully respond to topic/subtopic pair FOA.
- Begin PAMS registration.
- Visit the Find Local Assistance page at to locate service providers, such as Small Business Development Centers (SBDC), Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTACs), many others.
- Contact Topic Author/Manager if you have questions
- Consider personnel and/or partnerships required to respond to topic/subtopic pair
- Begin drafting LOI .
- Download DOE SBIR/STTTR application checklist
- Begin SAM registration and PAMS registration
- .
2 | - If STTR application, or working with RI, consortia, or any partnering organizations, begin contacting those organization if known. If you do not have established contacts, review partnering resources.
- Determine PI and Key/Senior Persons
- Begin drafting Project Narrative
- Review PIER Plan requirements and begin formulating PIER Plan
- Review Commercialization Plan requirements and determine if outside assistance from service provider needed
- Continue contacts with service providers if necessary.
- Draft LOI
- Begin SAM registration
- Document and finalize Project Narrative outline.
3 | - Continue working on SAM registration
- If working with an external reviewer, gather and adjudicate feedback on Project Narrative outline.
- If working with an external reviewer, gather and adjudicate feedback on LOI.
- Determine possible PIs.
- Determine project scope for budgeting purposes.
| 3 | - Register in
- Request letters of commitment/funding/support from RI, consortia, and/or any partnering organizations
- Finalize senior / key personnel and begin completing biosketches
- Begin completing Current & Pending Support for PI and key / senior persons
- Continue drafting Project Narrative
- Continue to formulate budget
- If working with a service provider or reviewer, begin providing Project Narrative sections for review as they are completed for comments
4 | LOI due - Submit LOI in PAMS
- Begin entering information on the SF424 webform in
- Finalize biosketches for PI and all senior/key persons
- Continue drafting Project Narrative
- Continue to formulate budget
- Divide time between creative aspects of writing Project Narrative and completing required forms - R & R Senior/Key Person Form, R&R Other Project Information Form, SBIR/STTR Information Form.
5 | - If partnering with RI or any subcontractors, send subaward budget documents (downloaded from application workspace) to RI or representative for completion
- Continue drafting Project Narrative
- Continue to formulate budget
- Begin Budget Justification Form
- Determine data management plan; if working with an RI, ensure that there is agreement on how/if data is to be shared
- Complete draft of first half of Project Narrative. *Please note, "first half" equates to the following Narrative elements: Identification of the Problem & Technical Approach, Anticipated Public Benefits, Technical Objectives & Work Plan, and the Performance Schedule.
- Define and document PI's role on the project.
- Create budget estimate.
- Estimate staffing needs.
- Review example Commercialization Plan and create outline.
- Create list of potential references to supply Letters of Support.
- Identify personnel for which biosketches and/or current & pending support information is required.
5 | - Begin registration.
- Gather & Adjudicate Feedback on first half of Project Narrative.
- Confirm PI.
- Complete detailed budget assembly.
- Build staff breakdown (employees, subcontractors, 1099.
- Gather supporting documentation and prepare staff section of Budget Justification.
- Send required forms to RI and/or subcontractors.
- Create first draft of the Commercialization Plan.
- Contact references and provide guidance for Letters of Support.
- Log-in to, create application workspace, and being completing forms.
- Request biosketches and current and pending support lists from key / senior personnel.
6 | 6 | - Verify SAM registration complete
- Register as SBC on
- Continue drafting Project Narrative
- Continue to formulate budget
- Divide time between creative aspects of writing Project Narrative and completing required forms - R & R Senior/Key Person Form, R&R Other Project Information Form, SBIR/STTR Information Form.
- Complete Level of Effort and Max Funding spreadsheet
- Complete draft of second half of Project Narrative. **Please note, "second half" equates to the following Project Narrative elements: Partners: Research Institutions (if applicable), Other Consultants & Subcontractors, Facilities, Other Resources, & Equipment, and Bibliography & References Cited.
- Complete Biosketch and current and pending support list for PI.
- Gather and adjudicate feedback on budget if necessary.
- Gather and adjudicate feedback on staffing breakdown if necessary.
- Gather supporting documents and write Facilities section of Budget Justification if applicable.
- Ensure that RI and any subcontractors have correct forms and necessary information to complete.
- Gather and adjudicate feedback on Commercialization Plan if necessary.
- Follow up and finalize Letters of Support.
- Complete forms as required by the FOA.
- Author Abstract / Project Summary.
- Review, provide feedback, and ask for updates on biosketches and current and pending support lists.Review DOE application checklist to ensure all required forms have been completed
7 | Non-responsive feedback, if any, issue - If you receive non-responsive feedback, review, address the comments, and determine next steps
- Begin finalizing Gather and adjudicate feedback on second half of Project Narrative.
- Begin finalizing Budget
- Finalize budget.
- Confirm employees, subcontractors, and consultants.
- Follow up with Review subaward budgets (if any) from RI and/or subcontractors and consultants and finalize required forms.
- Finalize PIER Plan
- Finalize Commercialization Plan
- Commercialization Plan.
- Finalize Letters of Support.
- Finalize all forms required by the FOA.
- Finalize biosketches and current and pending support lists.Finalize Budget Justification Form
8 | - Review Add proprietary markings to Project Narrative for necessary edits and/or adjustments
- Review Budget for any errors or inconsistencies
- Review Budget Justification to ensure consistency with Budget
- .
- Finalize Budget Justification.Review DOE checklist to ensure all necessary forms completed
9 Submit application | Final review of application package and submit application. |