Manage Institution includes the following functionalities in PAMS:
- Institution Folder
- Manage Institution Profile
- Manage Users within the Institution.
Who Can Become an Administrator for an Institution?
- When you register as an SRO to an institution that does not yet have an Administrative SRO, you will be presented with the option to become an Administrative SRO for that institution. Upon selecting this option, you are granted administrative privileges for that institution.
- All other users have to be granted administrative privileges by users who already have them.What Are Administrative Privileges? What Can I Do with Them?
What Are Administrative Privileges? What Can I Do with Them?
The two types of administrative privileges are as follows:
- Manage Institution Profile: Users with this privilege can edit institution profile information in PAMS.
- Manage Users: Users with this privilege can grant or revoke privileges and peer access for other users registered to the institution. These users can also remove other registered users from the institution.
How Can I Manage Privileges?
- Manage Privileges is the concept of allowing select users to manage the Institution Profile, as well as users registered to the institution.
- Privileges can be managed at an institution level for users.
- Privileges can be managed only for users who are registered to the same institution.
- SRO users who have registered to PAMS via a Grants.gov proposal receive these privileges by default. Other users can be granted these privileges by users who already have the Manage Users privilege.
What Is Peer Access? How Does It Work?
- Peer Access is the concept of allowing select users, who are registered to the institution, to access submissions in PAMS.
- Peer Access can be managed at a submission level, by the users who create the submissions, from the My Proposals, My Preproposals, and My Letters of Intent screens.
- Peer access can also be managed at an institution level, from the Institution Folder, by users who have administrative privileges.
- Peer Access can be extended only to users who are registered to the same institution.